I've apologized before for the fuzzy pictures that sometimes make their way to these flashbacks every Friday ... but, seeing as how these stories are told from what happened twenty years ago, which dates this image as summer of 1995 ... you kind of had to accept whatever was in the envelope when you picked it up after the film was developed and printed at the drugstore (or, even more likely for this time frame, at Hills Department Store) ... AND that was many many days AFTER the event when the photo was taken in the first place.
I know ... I know ... you youngsters may not get it.
Including the youngster in this photo, now a young lady with a child of her own ... my niece Casey Jo ... who, twenty years ago, was posing during our annual getaway weekend at our oldest brother's hunting camp. Had this been captured digitally on a cell phone, we might have tried a second time ... but since we didn't, this will have to stand as is from that (blurry) moment in time ...
July 31, 2015
July 30, 2015
Random Thought for Thursday 7/30/15
I don't care what anyone says ... it's something to see someone you know on the television screen.
It would seem like the first one of my friends to make it to the tube (in *front* of the camera ... I've had friends whose names I've spotted in the credits already [and to the exclusion of *news* cameras, as I've determined that that doesn't count in relation to today's post]) ... is, as he's listed on the six episode History Channel series named 'Leepu and Pitbull', Brian the mechanic. (That's Brian on the left, leaning on the roof of the car.)
Of course, two decades ago when the bunch of us were hanging out at a Fourth of July party, or around a campfire at someone's cabin, or all together on a day trip to Six Flags in NJ (WANT MORE ... NEED MORE!), he was just "Big Westy". And now here he is amidst a study of the culture clash between a Bangladeshi design savant and those with whom he comes into contact that work out of the Long Island garage where cars get custom made.
What can I say ... good on ya, Brian W! And I'm expecting the Wikipedia "famous people from Lebanon PA" page to be updated (that is, so long as there's a second season)!
It would seem like the first one of my friends to make it to the tube (in *front* of the camera ... I've had friends whose names I've spotted in the credits already [and to the exclusion of *news* cameras, as I've determined that that doesn't count in relation to today's post]) ... is, as he's listed on the six episode History Channel series named 'Leepu and Pitbull', Brian the mechanic. (That's Brian on the left, leaning on the roof of the car.)
Of course, two decades ago when the bunch of us were hanging out at a Fourth of July party, or around a campfire at someone's cabin, or all together on a day trip to Six Flags in NJ (WANT MORE ... NEED MORE!), he was just "Big Westy". And now here he is amidst a study of the culture clash between a Bangladeshi design savant and those with whom he comes into contact that work out of the Long Island garage where cars get custom made.
What can I say ... good on ya, Brian W! And I'm expecting the Wikipedia "famous people from Lebanon PA" page to be updated (that is, so long as there's a second season)!
July 29, 2015
Random Wordplay for Wednesday 7/29/15
Found Day.
Used in a sentence: "I was all set to declare today Found Day (not Founders Day [already celebrated in so many places for so many reasons] ... and not Lost and Found Day [apparently really a thing ... coming up this December {see below}]) when I thought I saw that they found the missing boys off the coast and when I thought I saw that they found the missing Malaysian plane on an island ... except sadly not all of that is true."
Turns out that there is a story about two lost boys being found in the Atlantic Ocean after six days adrift ... that is from 2005 ... and NOT the happy ending that folks were hoping for in the current "two boys lost in the Atlantic Ocean" story.
As such, I'm fully expecting the Reunion Island beach reuniting of the wing of the lost plane will also turn out to be some kind of ruse. (And, after all, *everybody knows* that, when it comes to survivors, they would be in the middle section ... except for a handful that would be the "tailies" ... and they only show up in season two.)
Oh well ... so much for Found Day. Found Day is officially a bust.
Used in a sentence: "I was all set to declare today Found Day (not Founders Day [already celebrated in so many places for so many reasons] ... and not Lost and Found Day [apparently really a thing ... coming up this December {see below}]) when I thought I saw that they found the missing boys off the coast and when I thought I saw that they found the missing Malaysian plane on an island ... except sadly not all of that is true."
Turns out that there is a story about two lost boys being found in the Atlantic Ocean after six days adrift ... that is from 2005 ... and NOT the happy ending that folks were hoping for in the current "two boys lost in the Atlantic Ocean" story.
As such, I'm fully expecting the Reunion Island beach reuniting of the wing of the lost plane will also turn out to be some kind of ruse. (And, after all, *everybody knows* that, when it comes to survivors, they would be in the middle section ... except for a handful that would be the "tailies" ... and they only show up in season two.)
Oh well ... so much for Found Day. Found Day is officially a bust.
July 28, 2015
Random Tune for Tuesday 7/28/15
More discarded cassettes ... and yet again a disclaimer that the cassette I am discarding is not out of protest, but because I ALSO have the item as a CD (and I am finally ... slowly ... learning this thing called 'purge' that apprentice hoarders like me have such a hard time understanding).
And to be even more clear ... I've got nothing but love and respect for Don and the boys (or Glenn and the guys ... or Joe and the fellas ... or etc etc etc) ... and I've got the 6 CD box set of the studio albums 1972-1979 to listen to as I wish -- especially since I've never been to see them in concert (they actually just came to southern Florida earlier this month). Of course, there may still be time, seeing as how hell has been freezing over for them for the last few years now, always on tour as they are.
Anyways ... all *that* is why I'm getting rid of *this* Hotel California tonight ... and why, true to the construct, I have to select one of its tunes to feature. Seeing as how I'm breaking up with the cassette, so to speak, it seems only fitting that I pick what just may be the BEST break-up song EVER (certainly if the criteria were find a song that is melancholy, introspective, adult, worldly and all-knowing) ...
'So you can get on with your search, baby ... and I can get on with mine ...'
And to be even more clear ... I've got nothing but love and respect for Don and the boys (or Glenn and the guys ... or Joe and the fellas ... or etc etc etc) ... and I've got the 6 CD box set of the studio albums 1972-1979 to listen to as I wish -- especially since I've never been to see them in concert (they actually just came to southern Florida earlier this month). Of course, there may still be time, seeing as how hell has been freezing over for them for the last few years now, always on tour as they are.
Anyways ... all *that* is why I'm getting rid of *this* Hotel California tonight ... and why, true to the construct, I have to select one of its tunes to feature. Seeing as how I'm breaking up with the cassette, so to speak, it seems only fitting that I pick what just may be the BEST break-up song EVER (certainly if the criteria were find a song that is melancholy, introspective, adult, worldly and all-knowing) ...
'So you can get on with your search, baby ... and I can get on with mine ...'
July 27, 2015
Random Memorial for Monday 7/27/15
Gone but not forgotten: that feeling you got after having roller skated for multiple hours where you kind of forgot how to walk and you tripped over your own feet.
The closest I came to that recently was a few weeks back when I spent the afternoon on a deep sea fishing boat (not too far out ... I could still see the coast) and tried to walk again on land afterwards.
But I distinctly remember those late afternoons spent at the Casino Roller Rink (or, more rarely, at the Mt. Gretna Roller Rink) ... and despite never increasing my skill level to being able to perform for judges or anything (heck ... I couldn't even back skate), I did have a grand old time going around and around and around and around while my step-sister who was "babysitting" made out with her boyfriends in the dark corners. I only stopped to occasionally play the video game in the concession stand area (or, if really lucky, getting to concess at that stand [note: I know that's not how you're supposed to say it ... but why not? If you understood what I meant when you read it ... then that's half the battle]).
Walking funny and trying not to fall on the way out the door because your sneakers didn't have stoppers on the front of them at the local Casino (no alcohol was involved!), you are missed.
The closest I came to that recently was a few weeks back when I spent the afternoon on a deep sea fishing boat (not too far out ... I could still see the coast) and tried to walk again on land afterwards.
But I distinctly remember those late afternoons spent at the Casino Roller Rink (or, more rarely, at the Mt. Gretna Roller Rink) ... and despite never increasing my skill level to being able to perform for judges or anything (heck ... I couldn't even back skate), I did have a grand old time going around and around and around and around while my step-sister who was "babysitting" made out with her boyfriends in the dark corners. I only stopped to occasionally play the video game in the concession stand area (or, if really lucky, getting to concess at that stand [note: I know that's not how you're supposed to say it ... but why not? If you understood what I meant when you read it ... then that's half the battle]).
Walking funny and trying not to fall on the way out the door because your sneakers didn't have stoppers on the front of them at the local Casino (no alcohol was involved!), you are missed.
July 26, 2015
Random Scandal Sheet for Sunday 7/26/15
What southern Florida is talking about this week:
It's only taken 17 months of living here, but I *finally* realized that people in Miami(-Dade county) refer to those "up in Broward" the same way that people back home used to refer to "people of the UP [as in Upper Peninsula of Michigan*]" or the people back home-back home used to refer to "Perry Countians" (i.e. where men are men and sheep are scared) ... or the people back home-back home-for-that-18-month-theatre-internship-when-I-lived-in-Uniontown talked about "Fred and Frita Fayette" (Fayette being the county name where Uniontown PA is located).
Meaning ... "up in Broward" isn't so much a term of endearment as it is one of derision ... used to categorize and label a group of people slightly less sophisticated, hip, worldly, knowing, etc. etc than those who live south of the border (the [allegedly] slightly MORE sophisticated, hip, worldly, knowing, etc. etc). ... or maybe I'm just being too sensitive ... but at least we are trusted enough to have pit bulls in *my* county (neener-neener-neener)!
[*Note ... I've driven through the UP of Michigan ... and it was lovely. Never feared for my safety one bit. Went miles and miles without seeing any sign of civilization (but lots of signs for fudge and pasties), and survived. Only once or twice thought about how, if I accidentally drove off the side of the road, I'd never be found ... but lived to tell the tale. And I ate a pasty. No side effects. Was happy to finally make it to Green Bay, though, just for the sake of seeing other people again.]
It's only taken 17 months of living here, but I *finally* realized that people in Miami(-Dade county) refer to those "up in Broward" the same way that people back home used to refer to "people of the UP [as in Upper Peninsula of Michigan*]" or the people back home-back home used to refer to "Perry Countians" (i.e. where men are men and sheep are scared) ... or the people back home-back home-for-that-18-month-theatre-internship-when-I-lived-in-Uniontown talked about "Fred and Frita Fayette" (Fayette being the county name where Uniontown PA is located).
Meaning ... "up in Broward" isn't so much a term of endearment as it is one of derision ... used to categorize and label a group of people slightly less sophisticated, hip, worldly, knowing, etc. etc than those who live south of the border (the [allegedly] slightly MORE sophisticated, hip, worldly, knowing, etc. etc). ... or maybe I'm just being too sensitive ... but at least we are trusted enough to have pit bulls in *my* county (neener-neener-neener)!
[*Note ... I've driven through the UP of Michigan ... and it was lovely. Never feared for my safety one bit. Went miles and miles without seeing any sign of civilization (but lots of signs for fudge and pasties), and survived. Only once or twice thought about how, if I accidentally drove off the side of the road, I'd never be found ... but lived to tell the tale. And I ate a pasty. No side effects. Was happy to finally make it to Green Bay, though, just for the sake of seeing other people again.]
July 25, 2015
Random Soapbox for Saturday 7/25/15
I don't mean to go off on a rant here, but ...
... it's funny how marriage shaming crops up at the oddest time -- part 1. (Spoiler alert ... that means there's going to be a part 2 next Saturday ... same phrase but a completely different arena. And, based on a quick search on the old google tonight, there might even be enough to do a part 3, seeing as how I'm not sure I'm using the concept the same way the rest of the interwebs is.)
It's no secret that my biological parents collected marriages like they were communists assigned to marriage-collecting as a profession by the communist job-assigners (that was a thing, right?) ... and so they had nine between them both.
Now that both of them have passed, I found it interesting how the fact that someone had multiple marriages is portrayed.
For instance, we say ...
Zsa Zsa Gabor Belge Hilton Sanders Hutner Cosden Ryan O'Hara Alba von Anhalt
but only ...
Mickey Rooney (not Mickey Rooney Rooney Rooney Rooney Rooney Rooney Rooney Rooney)
and we say ...
Liz Taylor Hilton Wilding Todd Fisher Burton Burton Warner Fortensky
but only ...
Frank Sinatra (not Frank Sinatra Sinatra Sinatra Sinatra)
and we say ...
Erica Kane Martin Brent Cudahy Chandler Roy Roy Montgomery Montgomery Chandler Marick Marick Montgomery
but only ...
Geraldo Rivera (not Geraldo Rivera Rivera Rivera Rivera Rivera)
And, more specific to my situation, we say ...
Mary Irene Seiters Marsh Neidermyer Fox Drey
but only ...
Ralph Eugene Neidermyer (not Ralph Eugene Neidermyer Neidermyer Neidermyer Neidermyer Neidermyer)
Seems like patriarchal society wins again ... and, in my recent postings, I fell into the men-make-all-the-rules trap ...
... it's funny how marriage shaming crops up at the oddest time -- part 1. (Spoiler alert ... that means there's going to be a part 2 next Saturday ... same phrase but a completely different arena. And, based on a quick search on the old google tonight, there might even be enough to do a part 3, seeing as how I'm not sure I'm using the concept the same way the rest of the interwebs is.)
It's no secret that my biological parents collected marriages like they were communists assigned to marriage-collecting as a profession by the communist job-assigners (that was a thing, right?) ... and so they had nine between them both.
Now that both of them have passed, I found it interesting how the fact that someone had multiple marriages is portrayed.
For instance, we say ...
Zsa Zsa Gabor Belge Hilton Sanders Hutner Cosden Ryan O'Hara Alba von Anhalt
but only ...
Mickey Rooney (not Mickey Rooney Rooney Rooney Rooney Rooney Rooney Rooney Rooney)
and we say ...
Liz Taylor Hilton Wilding Todd Fisher Burton Burton Warner Fortensky
but only ...
Frank Sinatra (not Frank Sinatra Sinatra Sinatra Sinatra)
and we say ...
Erica Kane Martin Brent Cudahy Chandler Roy Roy Montgomery Montgomery Chandler Marick Marick Montgomery
but only ...
Geraldo Rivera (not Geraldo Rivera Rivera Rivera Rivera Rivera)
And, more specific to my situation, we say ...
Mary Irene Seiters Marsh Neidermyer Fox Drey
but only ...
Ralph Eugene Neidermyer (not Ralph Eugene Neidermyer Neidermyer Neidermyer Neidermyer Neidermyer)
Seems like patriarchal society wins again ... and, in my recent postings, I fell into the men-make-all-the-rules trap ...
July 24, 2015
Random Flashback for Friday 7/24/15
Just like last week (and spoiler alert: just like *next* week) ... the Friday flashback is from twenty years ago to the annual trip to the hunting camp (in this particular season, it was more like the floating down the river camp [and the drinking camp ... although that's probably year round]) in an undisclosed location in northcentral PA (I'd tell ya ... but then I'd have to kill ya).
Back in the day (this being summer of 1995 for those of you who can't subtract well), it was a spot for some of my father's kids and grandkids to get together and have a long weekend away to bond (and float down the river ... and drink). Seeing as how today would have been said father's 91st birthday (he passed a few years back now), it seems like a fitting photo to post (although, to be clear, during these trips at this time ... he wasn't going along ... we were bonding about him without him, so to speak).
More proof that time speeds on by .. the grandkids in this photo have children of their own now. And so time marches on ...
PS ... Does anyone know if I can tube down the coast in the Atlantic?
Back in the day (this being summer of 1995 for those of you who can't subtract well), it was a spot for some of my father's kids and grandkids to get together and have a long weekend away to bond (and float down the river ... and drink). Seeing as how today would have been said father's 91st birthday (he passed a few years back now), it seems like a fitting photo to post (although, to be clear, during these trips at this time ... he wasn't going along ... we were bonding about him without him, so to speak).
More proof that time speeds on by .. the grandkids in this photo have children of their own now. And so time marches on ...
PS ... Does anyone know if I can tube down the coast in the Atlantic?
July 23, 2015
Random Thought for Thursday 7/23/15
What if we all lived like we were 4th generation monarch butterflies? (Yes, I've been watching my PBS again ... and no ... I don't mean that we should all move to Mexico to counter-balance the criminal migration of which the Trump [mis]speaks.)
But did you know that it's only the 4th generation that makes the big migratory trip ... and that, as a reward for having to do so, they live six to eight months, whereas the other three generations die off after just six *weeks* of emerging from the cocoon?
I'm sure there's a lesson in there somewhere ... and of course the other three generations play their role and are indispensable to the overall strategy, but it just seems like it's the 4G creatures that have to rise to a greater challenge than their fore-butterflies. To put things in human perspective, if the WWII generation was the last "greatest generation" (on which I think all of us can agree), then the "matures", the "baby boomers" and "generation x" (my grouping) would be the disposable ones ... and that you "generation y/millennials" (born between 1981 and 2000) best live up to your calling and take care of the rest of us.
But did you know that it's only the 4th generation that makes the big migratory trip ... and that, as a reward for having to do so, they live six to eight months, whereas the other three generations die off after just six *weeks* of emerging from the cocoon?
I'm sure there's a lesson in there somewhere ... and of course the other three generations play their role and are indispensable to the overall strategy, but it just seems like it's the 4G creatures that have to rise to a greater challenge than their fore-butterflies. To put things in human perspective, if the WWII generation was the last "greatest generation" (on which I think all of us can agree), then the "matures", the "baby boomers" and "generation x" (my grouping) would be the disposable ones ... and that you "generation y/millennials" (born between 1981 and 2000) best live up to your calling and take care of the rest of us.
July 22, 2015
Random Wordplay for Wednesday 7/22/15
Bacon Mulch ™ ® © patent pending
Used in a sentence: "Schedule me on the Shark Tank ... submit my two week notice to my employer ... pre-order me my nouveau riche status symbols ... because I have stumbled on what will make me my millions: Bacon Mulch ™ ® © patent pending."
Having traded Chicago apartments for Floridian homes when it comes to my domicile, I quickly learned since the big move that there is no yard problem that some mulch can't solve. And then addiction set in. My enablers, the big box hardware stores, would seduce me with their 5 for 10 sales, and soon there was red mulch marking the perimeter of the front yard, and brown mulch forming a sidewalk from the driveway all the way through to the back yard, and cypress mulch demarcating multiple flower beds surrounding the small area left for some sod.
Sitting out on the lanai (okay, okay ... it's just a stone patio ... but once those dollars come rolling in, it will be transformed into a lanai that would make Dorothy, Blanche and Rose jealous), surrounded by that fresh cypress aroma ... it hit me -- bacon colored wood chippings giving off a bacony odor. That's what would make the back yard experience all that much better.
So venture capitalists ... send my your funding ... and this evening, I'll take the first steps toward achieving my dreams by pouring the leftover grease from tonight's baconing out on the existing mulch ... creating my very FIRST (but definitely not my last) batch of Bacon Mulch ™ ® © patent pending.
Used in a sentence: "Schedule me on the Shark Tank ... submit my two week notice to my employer ... pre-order me my nouveau riche status symbols ... because I have stumbled on what will make me my millions: Bacon Mulch ™ ® © patent pending."
Having traded Chicago apartments for Floridian homes when it comes to my domicile, I quickly learned since the big move that there is no yard problem that some mulch can't solve. And then addiction set in. My enablers, the big box hardware stores, would seduce me with their 5 for 10 sales, and soon there was red mulch marking the perimeter of the front yard, and brown mulch forming a sidewalk from the driveway all the way through to the back yard, and cypress mulch demarcating multiple flower beds surrounding the small area left for some sod.
Sitting out on the lanai (okay, okay ... it's just a stone patio ... but once those dollars come rolling in, it will be transformed into a lanai that would make Dorothy, Blanche and Rose jealous), surrounded by that fresh cypress aroma ... it hit me -- bacon colored wood chippings giving off a bacony odor. That's what would make the back yard experience all that much better.
So venture capitalists ... send my your funding ... and this evening, I'll take the first steps toward achieving my dreams by pouring the leftover grease from tonight's baconing out on the existing mulch ... creating my very FIRST (but definitely not my last) batch of Bacon Mulch ™ ® © patent pending.
July 21, 2015
Random Tune(s) for Tuesday 7/21/15
Ok folks ... back to the new occasional series called "Discarded Cassettes". As you might recall, this image is NOT to be interpreted as a protest against Chicago (as the year is not 1968 [google it] ... or 1919 [google that] ... or any of the other years the people in my former hometown took to the streets [including after the Blackhawks won the cup ... repeatedly]), but it simply represents the fact that I finally organized the music collection such that I can discard the duplicates of the ones for which I *also* have the CD.
So tonight's tune, from this Greatest Hits collection, is a toss up between 'I Don't Want To Live Without Your Love' and 'Walk Away' ... two songs released back to back in 1988 ... which is why they make sense as the ones being most impactful to me, seeing as how that was a key year in my development (musical or otherwise).
I will say ... there's a chance that one or both of these tunes were already featured on a past Tuesday in the last few years ... but the all powerful google search feature of the blog doesn't work so well when the main search term is Chicago and you've lived there for 12 years (there were quite a few hits) ... so I guess the only fair thing to do is to link to both tonight ...
So tonight's tune, from this Greatest Hits collection, is a toss up between 'I Don't Want To Live Without Your Love' and 'Walk Away' ... two songs released back to back in 1988 ... which is why they make sense as the ones being most impactful to me, seeing as how that was a key year in my development (musical or otherwise).
I will say ... there's a chance that one or both of these tunes were already featured on a past Tuesday in the last few years ... but the all powerful google search feature of the blog doesn't work so well when the main search term is Chicago and you've lived there for 12 years (there were quite a few hits) ... so I guess the only fair thing to do is to link to both tonight ...
July 20, 2015
Random Memorial for Monday 7/20/15
Gone but not forgotten: *needing* to change my address.
To be clear ... the address I call home did indeed change earlier this year (back in March, to be precise) ... but, thanks to modern technology, it seems like the task that has been on the checklist in my phone that I've been continuously deferring for ... well ... months ... doesn't actually have to be done.
It seems that the post office has embraced some kind of technology that has done this for me (after I notified them, of course) and, miraculously, all of the magazine publishers and creditors and the like somehow already know that I live on NW 6th Ave instead of NW 2nd Ave. (I find it just as miraculous that the post office is doing something forward-thinking ...)
Since I didn't have to jump through any hoops, that means I'll consider this notice to the rest of you ... if you need to know where I live for any reason*, hmu (as the kids say [assuming the kids still say that]).
*Acceptable reasons for you needing this information include, but are not limited to: because you intend to send me a holiday card, because you intend to send me a care package, because you are on your way over to visit (although, if that's the case, please give advance notice so that the litter box in the guest room can be cleaned) and/or because you need to put a hit out on me (what? I'm not scurrrred [do the kids still say *that*?]).
Little paper postcards that used to have to be sent ... and dozens of phone calls that used to have to be made ... you were not needed ... and therefore you were not missed.
To be clear ... the address I call home did indeed change earlier this year (back in March, to be precise) ... but, thanks to modern technology, it seems like the task that has been on the checklist in my phone that I've been continuously deferring for ... well ... months ... doesn't actually have to be done.
It seems that the post office has embraced some kind of technology that has done this for me (after I notified them, of course) and, miraculously, all of the magazine publishers and creditors and the like somehow already know that I live on NW 6th Ave instead of NW 2nd Ave. (I find it just as miraculous that the post office is doing something forward-thinking ...)
Since I didn't have to jump through any hoops, that means I'll consider this notice to the rest of you ... if you need to know where I live for any reason*, hmu (as the kids say [assuming the kids still say that]).
*Acceptable reasons for you needing this information include, but are not limited to: because you intend to send me a holiday card, because you intend to send me a care package, because you are on your way over to visit (although, if that's the case, please give advance notice so that the litter box in the guest room can be cleaned) and/or because you need to put a hit out on me (what? I'm not scurrrred [do the kids still say *that*?]).
Little paper postcards that used to have to be sent ... and dozens of phone calls that used to have to be made ... you were not needed ... and therefore you were not missed.
July 19, 2015
Random Scandal Sheet for Sunday 7/19/15
What southern Florida is talking about this week:
The Norton Museum of Art in nearby West Palm Beach ... free for Floridians on Thursdays in the summer.
According to the wiki, it's the *largest* museum in Florida, having been founded by Ralph Norton back in the day (which made me think of the Honeymooners, until I remembered that it was Ralph Kramden and Ed Norton ... and that they were fictional characters) ... and it's been expanding ever since.
In the art mix, I did recognize a few big names ... (Matisse, Monet, O'Keeffe. Picasso and Pollock, to alphabetically name drop a few) ... but they also have an extensive collection of Chinese artifacts (including many that had some connection to horses, which surprised me due to my own ignorance) ... AND a modern art section (including one floor to ceiling piece meant to evoke a fat ass ... "commentary" on the ancient art of cat-calling by construction workers).
Another take away ... rich people who paid for portrait paintings in old times had really ugly babies ... just sayin'.
[In lieu of my customary companion links, I'll provide three additional photos to accompany the quote above that spoke to me for some reason (the circular staircase had them all along it up to the third floor) ... one where I tried to mimic the emotion in the brush button lady, and two from a surprise Guinness display in the design exhibit that I now have to have for my collection of all things Guinness.]
The Norton Museum of Art in nearby West Palm Beach ... free for Floridians on Thursdays in the summer.
According to the wiki, it's the *largest* museum in Florida, having been founded by Ralph Norton back in the day (which made me think of the Honeymooners, until I remembered that it was Ralph Kramden and Ed Norton ... and that they were fictional characters) ... and it's been expanding ever since.
In the art mix, I did recognize a few big names ... (Matisse, Monet, O'Keeffe. Picasso and Pollock, to alphabetically name drop a few) ... but they also have an extensive collection of Chinese artifacts (including many that had some connection to horses, which surprised me due to my own ignorance) ... AND a modern art section (including one floor to ceiling piece meant to evoke a fat ass ... "commentary" on the ancient art of cat-calling by construction workers).
Another take away ... rich people who paid for portrait paintings in old times had really ugly babies ... just sayin'.
[In lieu of my customary companion links, I'll provide three additional photos to accompany the quote above that spoke to me for some reason (the circular staircase had them all along it up to the third floor) ... one where I tried to mimic the emotion in the brush button lady, and two from a surprise Guinness display in the design exhibit that I now have to have for my collection of all things Guinness.]
July 18, 2015
Random Soapbox for Saturday 7/18/15
I don't mean to go off on a rave here, but ..
... can I just say (for the third time in the last five years), how I want Food Network executives Bob and Susie (or is it Susie and Bob?) to provide me with my next performance review at work (no offense intended to my new boss Katie O).
Or if they aren't available for that task, can they maybe hook me up with some therapy sessions in the style of Fiona Wallace (from Web Therapy, for those unfamiliar with the "famous" therapist)?
Or if that still isn't feasible, can they maybe find this blog and send me some feedback about my "brand"? (Perhaps I can actually make that happen via google-alert by stating their full names of Bob Tuschman and Susie Fogelson? [Here's hoping doing so doesn't turn into an issue with the photo of them accompanying this post that I pulled off the old Google.]
Because I've said it before and I'll say it again ... in all my viewing hours of reality television competition shows (and, remember, my name is Troy and I *am* a TV addict), I have never met any two people who are always spot-on, providing pithy critiques and amazing advice ... Every. Single. Time.
I am in awe (and have been for years, as past posts in 2011 and 2012 prove [in 2013 and 2014, I watched the show but not in real time, hence the skipped years fawning over them and their skills]). I want to *be* them when I grow up (despite being more of an eat-ie than a food-ie, as I've said before). I want them in my life on more than just an occasional summer series basis.
Call me!?
... can I just say (for the third time in the last five years), how I want Food Network executives Bob and Susie (or is it Susie and Bob?) to provide me with my next performance review at work (no offense intended to my new boss Katie O).
Or if they aren't available for that task, can they maybe hook me up with some therapy sessions in the style of Fiona Wallace (from Web Therapy, for those unfamiliar with the "famous" therapist)?
Or if that still isn't feasible, can they maybe find this blog and send me some feedback about my "brand"? (Perhaps I can actually make that happen via google-alert by stating their full names of Bob Tuschman and Susie Fogelson? [Here's hoping doing so doesn't turn into an issue with the photo of them accompanying this post that I pulled off the old Google.]
Because I've said it before and I'll say it again ... in all my viewing hours of reality television competition shows (and, remember, my name is Troy and I *am* a TV addict), I have never met any two people who are always spot-on, providing pithy critiques and amazing advice ... Every. Single. Time.
I am in awe (and have been for years, as past posts in 2011 and 2012 prove [in 2013 and 2014, I watched the show but not in real time, hence the skipped years fawning over them and their skills]). I want to *be* them when I grow up (despite being more of an eat-ie than a food-ie, as I've said before). I want them in my life on more than just an occasional summer series basis.
Call me!?
July 17, 2015
Random Flashback for Friday 7/17/15
Twenty years ago (give or take a few weeks ...) it was time for the annual trip to the hunting camp somewhere in upper central PA (I can't disclose the exact location because it's a family secret). Back in the mid-nineties, a bunch of my dad's kids would getaway for a long weekend to the place where *this* was the view from the porch of the "cabin".
Well, of course, the clearing was actually a lot clearer than the blurriness of this photo (remember, in 1995, these weren't digital or on a cell phone where you could see right away if the picture was any good) ... but hopefully it starts to convey the beauty of the spot in the summertime.
To be clear, I wasn't there for any hunting (not that there's anything wrong with that, but in the upcoming apocalypse [for *whatever* reason ... zombie ... WWIII ... the rapture ... meteors ... etc ... etc {I'm more and more convinced that WE ARE ... the apocalypse-adjacent generation}], I'm going to have to hook up with those able to make the kill or else become a vegetarian-by-default in those end times) ... but I *was* there to hang out with family and to commune with nature.
Because ... when it comes down to it ... we all need a little peace and quiet in the midst of nowhere sometimes ...
Well, of course, the clearing was actually a lot clearer than the blurriness of this photo (remember, in 1995, these weren't digital or on a cell phone where you could see right away if the picture was any good) ... but hopefully it starts to convey the beauty of the spot in the summertime.
To be clear, I wasn't there for any hunting (not that there's anything wrong with that, but in the upcoming apocalypse [for *whatever* reason ... zombie ... WWIII ... the rapture ... meteors ... etc ... etc {I'm more and more convinced that WE ARE ... the apocalypse-adjacent generation}], I'm going to have to hook up with those able to make the kill or else become a vegetarian-by-default in those end times) ... but I *was* there to hang out with family and to commune with nature.
Because ... when it comes down to it ... we all need a little peace and quiet in the midst of nowhere sometimes ...
July 16, 2015
Random Thought for Thursday 7/16/15
Dearest Deerfield and Hillsboro:
Admittedly, I've never been the most sporting type (unless, you know, there was a BOOK to read about sporting) ...
But may I recommend, for your problem that made the front page of the local newspaper ...
Perhaps a cup? A box? A jockstrap? An athletic supporter? A nutty buddy? A testicular guard?
All in all ... I propose this because I fear that going to the state for assistance is one of those trends of late that gets folks riled up. I mean ... literally here ... my suggestion is about getting government OFF your jock!
A kid at heart who still giggles when he hears that groins are under attack.
Admittedly, I've never been the most sporting type (unless, you know, there was a BOOK to read about sporting) ...
But may I recommend, for your problem that made the front page of the local newspaper ...
Perhaps a cup? A box? A jockstrap? An athletic supporter? A nutty buddy? A testicular guard?
All in all ... I propose this because I fear that going to the state for assistance is one of those trends of late that gets folks riled up. I mean ... literally here ... my suggestion is about getting government OFF your jock!
A kid at heart who still giggles when he hears that groins are under attack.
July 15, 2015
Random Wordplay for Wednesday 7/15/15
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance and Facebooking.
Used in a sentence: "Somebody call Kübler-Ross and get her to update her five stages of grief, because, in the modern world, grieving includes a *sixth* key stage ... so I propose that it change to: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance and Facebooking."
Except, of course, Kübler-Ross has already died, so the chance to update the rubric may have passed. It also may be that the Facebooking stage should be listed in a different position ... although a true understanding of the stages says that the way they are listed is NOT a linear timeline, and that they affect the grieving individual in an individual way.
As for me, I'm about halfway through the time allotted for me to be away from my employment to cope with my loss in my way ... and I can step outside of the situation and see how bits and pieces of each stage have been manifested these last few days ... and how there is still more work to go. But I also want to pause and give thanks all of those in my (electronic) community who expressed sympathy and offered comfort and sent hugs and said prayers and provided insight.
Admittedly, when it comes to how much is shared on the Facebook : to each his or her own ... but speaking for me, I am most appreciative of having heard from YOU and very grateful to have YOU in my life ... well, my e-life anyway.
Used in a sentence: "Somebody call Kübler-Ross and get her to update her five stages of grief, because, in the modern world, grieving includes a *sixth* key stage ... so I propose that it change to: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance and Facebooking."
Except, of course, Kübler-Ross has already died, so the chance to update the rubric may have passed. It also may be that the Facebooking stage should be listed in a different position ... although a true understanding of the stages says that the way they are listed is NOT a linear timeline, and that they affect the grieving individual in an individual way.
As for me, I'm about halfway through the time allotted for me to be away from my employment to cope with my loss in my way ... and I can step outside of the situation and see how bits and pieces of each stage have been manifested these last few days ... and how there is still more work to go. But I also want to pause and give thanks all of those in my (electronic) community who expressed sympathy and offered comfort and sent hugs and said prayers and provided insight.
Admittedly, when it comes to how much is shared on the Facebook : to each his or her own ... but speaking for me, I am most appreciative of having heard from YOU and very grateful to have YOU in my life ... well, my e-life anyway.
July 14, 2015
Random Tune for Tuesday 7/14/15
In yesterday's post, I made reference to *this* particular tune from Chess -- it was part of the 4000+ words I found necessary to process my mother's recent passing (if you couldn't hang around for all the verbiage, there were also a handful of pretty pictures to view).
Back in college, Chess (the British version) was the first musical to which I was exposed as a freshperson (Into the Woods [the Bernadette Peters version] was the second, by the way) ... not because we performed it that year (we delivered On the Town for the spring musical in 1990 [now revived on Broadway]), but because the older theatre kids who were my new friends made me a copy on cassette.
Songs from it popped up throughout my undergrad experience (and have already been featured on this blog on Tuesdays past ... such as walking across campus into the lunch hall "performing" the Argument) ... and, in a fitting coda in many ways to that chapter of my life, a bunch of us actually saw the show for the first time at a performance next to the Reading Pagoda (which, come to think of it, deserves its own post one of these days).
Regardless, one tune spoke to me and my personal situation more than the others ... and that is the tune chosen for today (and referenced yesterday). A quick disclaimer ... this song is not a direct 1:1 match to the fact pattern of my past. But it does capture an artistic sentiment that seems to be on point ... particularly in its opening words:
When I was nine I learned survival
Taught myself not to care
I was my single good companion
Taking my comfort there
Up in my room I planned my conquests
On my own
Never asked for a helping hand
No one would understand
I never asked the pair who fought below
Just in case they said no
Pity the child who has ambition
Knows what he wants to do
Knows that he'll never fit the system
Others expect him to
Pity the child who knew his parents
Saw their faults
Saw their love die before his eyes
Pity the child that wise
Back in college, Chess (the British version) was the first musical to which I was exposed as a freshperson (Into the Woods [the Bernadette Peters version] was the second, by the way) ... not because we performed it that year (we delivered On the Town for the spring musical in 1990 [now revived on Broadway]), but because the older theatre kids who were my new friends made me a copy on cassette.
Songs from it popped up throughout my undergrad experience (and have already been featured on this blog on Tuesdays past ... such as walking across campus into the lunch hall "performing" the Argument) ... and, in a fitting coda in many ways to that chapter of my life, a bunch of us actually saw the show for the first time at a performance next to the Reading Pagoda (which, come to think of it, deserves its own post one of these days).
Regardless, one tune spoke to me and my personal situation more than the others ... and that is the tune chosen for today (and referenced yesterday). A quick disclaimer ... this song is not a direct 1:1 match to the fact pattern of my past. But it does capture an artistic sentiment that seems to be on point ... particularly in its opening words:
When I was nine I learned survival
Taught myself not to care
I was my single good companion
Taking my comfort there
Up in my room I planned my conquests
On my own
Never asked for a helping hand
No one would understand
I never asked the pair who fought below
Just in case they said no
Pity the child who has ambition
Knows what he wants to do
Knows that he'll never fit the system
Others expect him to
Pity the child who knew his parents
Saw their faults
Saw their love die before his eyes
Pity the child that wise
July 13, 2015
Purposeful Memorial for Monday 7/13/15
Gone but not forgotten: Mary Irene, my biological mother.
I *INSISTED* on being born!
That's bound to be the opening line of a yet-to-be-written auto-biography, but for now it stands as the beginning marker of the atypical relationship I had with my mother Mary, who passed away a few days ago.
You see, I'm an early seventies IUD baby, and even at the ripe old age of negative forty weeks, I was decidedly stubborn. I was happening. And no attempt to block my father's sperm from finding and fertilizing my mother's egg by some flimsy piece of plastic in her privates was going to be good enough to stop me from being.
For that matter, no family doctor with a little practice in central PA (no offense and RIP James Tibbitts) was going to convince my mother otherwise despite him telling her there was no way she could be pregnant. She knew I was happening, one way or another. Sure she'd take whatever medication he prescribed for whatever condition OTHER than pregnancy he thought she had at first (medication that would later be attributed to the rotting of my baby teeth). But even in the womb, I had perfected my ability to scoff... and to survive.
I insisted on being born, damn it.
And so I WAS born ... born the last of my mother's children ... born *almost* the last of my father's children (he had one more late in life, when he was competing (but lost) for the title of world's oldest father [no offense and RIP Tony Randall]) ... born in the year of Hurricane Agnes that brought destruction to my central PA community ... born into a relationship that was soon to be winding down ... born and added to a family unit that would implode before I would be old enough to really recall any traditional bonding times.
I have come to realize that there was a price to be paid for tricking the fates into arriving into this world ... for it would be those same fates who would keep me from my biological mother for most of my life. And by "fates", I mean a decision by a county judge in a mid-seventies shocker of a divorce decree, followed by the machinations of a jealous replacement wife who deviously manipulated the innocence of children to address her own insecurities, and ending with a separation via distance: first literal, then figurative and now final.
The fates don't like to be tricked ... and they don't come lightly by their reputation for being cruel.
To be fair, though, I was loved as a baby -- although, let's face it ... it's pretty easy to love a baby, especially one as cute and pudgy and tow-headed as I. There are pictures to prove it -- both my cute and pudgy status AND the fact that I was loved enough to be surrounded by all my stuffed animals, or to be permitted to take out all the pots and pans in order to turn the kitchen into my performance arena for a cacophony of my own creation, or to be visited in the basement rec room each holiday by a Santa Claus who had the suspiciously easy to recognize ears of my father's family line. There are tales of me taking aim and throwing bottles in church (the zenith of any display of athletic prowess on my part) and of me chawing down on chicken bones in my highchair to keep me occupied and quiet (poultry and the processing of it is actually a family birthright from my father's side). Surely my mother had some role in this stage of my development, even if I was too young to recall anything -- although it's also likely that my oldest sister had something to do with it, because she's gone on record saying how pleased she was that she got what her friends didn't have ... a real live doll to play with, brought home from the hospital just for her.
Regardless ... "this" didn't last. This family. This home. This life. If there were to be a soundtrack playing as you read this, it would be time for Tammy Wynette to start spelling out the word D-I-V-O-R-C-E and to replace little J-O-E with little T-R-O-Y. Except here's a scenario that that song didn't consider. Namely, what if both parents going through a dissolution of a marriage were each married before? What if father had a separate family from after World War II in the next county over? And what if mother was married with a child and a "one-on-the-way " (to mix a little Loretta Lynn in with my classic country references) when she first met that guy, my father, at the start of the marriage.
To clear up a quick fact, my mother was actually a very recent widow when she met my father, having lost the father of HER first two children to an accident at the race car track just months before they got together. (That oldest sister who was delighted to have a baby in the family was technically a half-sister in that we shared a mommy but had different daddies.) And one other layer to add in ... my mother had *also* lost a brother as a teenager. Who's to say how a young woman deals with those kinds of losses ... and how it changes you at that tender age ... and how it colors your future decisions ... but with the luxury of hindsight ... one does wonder how it may have changed my mother Mary ...
Back to the divorce decree. Despite it being the mid-seventies and even though it was customary at the time for children OF a marriage to go to the mother IN a marriage that was ending, the breaking up of this blended family in the courts would play out slightly more controversially. In total there were five children ... the oldest daughter of my mother with her first husband, the other daughter of my mother with her first husband who was born after her biological father died such that she only knew my father as her father, the twins that had christened this relationship of second marriages and me (you probably recall ... but I had insisted on being born as well). No soon-to-be-single woman working in a poultry processing plant (so many of the key moments that affected my childhood took place in one of Fredericksburg's many chicken plants) could possibly afford to care for FIVE offspring. Or so sayeth the judge in a divorce decree that placed primary custody of the oldest children with the mother (seeing as how they did have a different father, technically) and kept the youngest children (i.e. the twins and I) with the father.
Fates: 1. Me and my momma: 0.
To be fair, though, there was shared custody. At least at the beginning. But you know how it goes .. daddy meets a new mommy ... mommy meets a new daddy ... daddy's new mommy doesn't like daddy's old mommy (and can barely tolerate the new kids that have to play with her set of kids -- because, yes, daddy's new mommy had been married with kids before daddy met daddy's new mommy through parents-with-partners [an online dating service of sorts that pre-dated there being such a thing as online relationship finders]) ... mommy's old daddy doesn't like mommy's new daddy ... daddy and mommy both soon don't like their new rebound mommies and daddies ... so daddy meets *another* new mommy who really really doesn't like daddy's old mommy (the first old mommy not the latest old mommy ... although not the original old mommy from the WWII family, 'cause that whole thing is pretty much ancient history by this point) ... and so we come to the part of the story that features the evil stepmother. (By the way, it would have been perfectly acceptable for you to have pulled out pen and paper and attempted to illustrate this last paragraph. Really, it's OK. It may be the only way to capture the visual.)
Before we go down the Disney villain pathway regarding my father's next marriage partner, though, let it be said that some of my fondest memories of me as a child and Mary as my mother happened in this section of our shared timeline -- the shared custody section.
I remember playing in the sun room with my Sweet Pickles toys at the Fox house (that was my mother's new last name, as he was her new marriage partner) ... and walking down the road to frolic in the "crick" (frolic being defined as splashing about and overturning rocks to look at the creatures underneath them) ... and using all kinds of Avon products (she was a "distributor"). I remember the drives during the shared custody times, counting cars on the way to her place in Schuylkill Haven to pass the time -- her own apartment, after she no longer was a Fox (because, as said above, the rebound relationships for BOTH didn't work out). I remember going to the diner where she worked, and having ham and cheese sandwiches with a side of chips with the bread and meat stuck together with those little toothpicks that had the colored streamers on the end of them -- items not on the menu, but made special for me because she knew the owner. I remember sitting on the floor behind the bar in the banquet room while she worked, keeping myself busy with the workbooks that she would buy me when we went to the store. I remember that she fed my curiosity and kept my brain engaged by letting me choose the educational lesson books that were in the toy section at Hills (I was a strange child, but a strange child who did realllly well in school for having gotten a head start with those items).
For a time, I even lived with my mother and my half-sister (not the oldest one, who was , at a very young age, out on her own by then ... but the second oldest). I believe it was a part of my first grade ... I recall a Christmas pageant and wearing a white trash bag because I played a polar bear at the North Pole ... and of starting a savings account with a 50 cent piece that I'm hoping is sitting in a bank somewhere, a secretly amassed fortune I'll reclaim for my later years ... and having a bowl of cereal for a bedtime snack ... and watching StarBlazers before school in the morning, and the classic Batman TV show after ... and of playing at a nearby playground and swimming at a nearby community pool (including almost drowning the day I decided to walk across it, slowly moving down to the deeper section until I couldn't touch the bottom any more ... and was saved by strangers). I remember being babysat by Uncle Jack, who wasn't my uncle at all and may not have even been named Jack, but who took me up to the Ft. Indiantown Gap in some drinking/eating establishment that had an old bowling game with the automatic pins at the end of a runway down which you'd push a metal puck through sawdust to get your spares and strikes.
How exactly I ended up there I'm not quite sure, other than my father and the wicked stepmother had given up on me. Because I get it. I was willful and obstinate and clever and creative and imaginative. I was a handful. I was under nourished from having love withheld from me. I was sensitive and insular and damaged. I had no outlet. I had few friends. I needed attention and I wanted out, in so many applications of that word. I know me now and I know from whence I came. PS -- I love me now (faults and all). I flourished. I repaired. I found an outlet ... and friends ... and success on my own terms. And I am still willful and obstinate and clever and creative and imaginative ... and a handful. I embrace it. I am proud of it. I stand by it. But I get it. I accept the fact that I may have represented a parenting challenge back in the day.
When it comes right down to it, I like to think that my recently deceased mother actually encouraged me to be "a challenge". As I remember it, I was her "tigger", a la Winnie the Pooh's friend, a la "the wonderful thing about tiggers is that tiggers are wonderful things", a la don't let Rabbit try to change who you are or what makes you special, for those familiar with that story.
Upon reflection, how I ended up back in the care of my father and the aforementioned wicked stepmother ... I'm not quite sure. Rumor has it I phoned and stated I was over it. Frankly, I don't think I had the power to make that kind of claim or to force that kind of decision. Based on my age, I feel strongly that I was wrapped up in the machinations of the adults. Because it wasn't long after that custody swap that we (my sisters AND I) were allegedly terminating our own ability to spend time with our mother in another now-suspicious phone call.
Divorce wasn't prevalent in Jesus Bible times ... but if it had been ... I know in my heart that the following would be a verse in the New Testament -- maybe added to the Sermon on the Mount, possibly a Debbie Downer style addendum to the Beatitudes, likely a statement that would have gone a little something like this: "Cursed are those who manipulate the minds of the innocent youth for their own nefarious purposes". Or, summarized another way ...
Fates: 2. Me and my momma: 0.
What is one to do when one is spurned by one's own children (through the machinations of another)? The same thing that historians say many Americans did at one time in our past when the call to action was to reinvent oneself. That is ... to heed the call to "go west, young Mary ... go west". And so it became that my mother ended up in Montana, and ended up with a new last name -- of Drey -- to go with her new life out west with her new husband.
To be fair though, there was still contact between her and me (and my sisters). There were cards at every holiday (addressed to Master Troy, which was technically correct yet comical to me as a child), and there were leather bound Louis L'Amour books arriving by mail every so often, followed by the Time Life Civil War series, and an electronic dungeons and dragons game where you tried to build the walls of a castle/maze before you accidentally stumbled on the electronic dragon.
Of course, all the cards and letters and photos were opened by "the warden" before being given to me, so I can only assume that I got everything that was actually sent to me. And I was forced to throw out that dungeons and dragons game, ostensibly because it was leading me to Satan, but more likely because my father's wife-of-the-time was a jealous jealous woman. She was a bit "touched" even before she was in a car accident where the majority of her brains was replaced with a metal plate (OK, I exaggerate slightly ... but she did get the metal plate in her head, even if she kept most of her brains after being in that car crash).
Her fascination with all things Mary led to some questionable parenting (i.e. telling me that my father is whomever my mother says it is, implying, of course, that my dad was NOT my dad after all) and some bizarre posturing (i.e. not letting me go to my 8th grade field day because my mother was back visiting the east coast and had allegedly organized a kidnapping of me to take place in the midst of the hullabaloo that day -- and so I was forced to play hooky and accompany her to Green Dragon to foil the plot). That was a similar approach to when my mother's mother passed away, and, after much debate, I was whisked into and out of the viewing for my Nanny, but kept from the funeral for fear that I be snatched away. (Mind you, by this time, it was abundantly clear that I wasn't necessarily wanted by the stepmother, and that I only represented the pawn in her jealousy game as defined by her warped relationship with my father.)
However, the damage to our relationship was done. The signature on the cards and letters, the image in the photos, the gifter of the books (that , thankfully, I still have) ... it represented a woman who was no longer involved in my life ... and who was harder and harder to think of as a part of me, despite our time together when I was younger. Grade after grade passed by with birthday after birthday, but the fact was that there were over 2000 miles between us in a pre-interwebs age. The literal distance was succeeding in dismantling our relationship.
Fates: 3. Me and my momma: 0.
Fast forward to 1989, a seminal year in my development, because that was the year, with the support of so many, when I escaped the life I had with my father and his wife-of-the-time, and when I struck out on my own, while still a senior in high school, three months before my graduation. It kicked off the biggest and most important decade of my life.
To be fair, though, she was there for the kick-off to this part of my life. My mother Mary came to central Pennsylvania that summer, attended my graduation, accompanied me to a picnic with her side of the family (from whom I had been sheltered), and did her level best to re-spark a relationship with me. Even after the visit ended and she returned to her life out in the wild wild west, the cards and photos and letters continued ... but a return to any kind of traditional relationship just wasn't in the cards.
Not for her want of trying ... but because I didn't have the skills to process it. I spent that decade trying to figure out who *I* was, and in relying on *my* support system to get me through college ... and then through law school. And the reality was that I had people in my life at that time who served as substitutes who knew me better and whom I cared for more than a distant figure. I was so unbelievably free, that I wasn't bound by blood when it came to defining my family, and so I sought out (and thrived because of) "family" connections who were real and present and invested in my day to day.
Before I knew it, I was content seeing my mother Mary once a decade ... in the late eighties when I graduated, in the mid nineties at the wedding of a sister, and in the mid naughts at the graduation of a nephew. Each time, I posed for pictures and I smiled and I dealt with the awkwardness of a relationship that had taken the path that ours did. She kept on sending the cards and the letters and the photos ... and so it was that I had some peace knowing that she had found a lasting relationship late in life, and was close enough to interact frequently with a set of grandchildren who were also out west. And the holidays always brought with it a gift -- despite her being on a fixed income due to a disability (more on that in a moment) -- and frequently with some holiday trinket (and so there will be many memories again this upcoming holiday season when it is time to decorate).
I went through phases where I was better than at other times in returning the communications. Without great regularity, I would send cards and letters and photos ... although I often struggled since Hallmark doesn't have a line of cards that quite captures all that we had been through. I will say emphatically that we each played the hands we were dealt, and that it was neither person's fault per se that we couldn't recapture the bond we obviously once had ... but by this time, the figurative distance was simply too great.
Fates: 4. Me and my momma: 0.
As per our pattern, it was soon time for us to meet again ... in *this* decade.
To be fair, though, I had just started the earliest conversations about possibly connecting while I was in Vegas (my company sends me there each year for a conference), because, in my mother's advanced age, she had lost that late in life love, and her health was proving to be more challenging, and she had moved into my out-west-sister's home ... in Nevada. Of course, it was the opposite end of Nevada than Vegas, but, with enough planning ahead of time, it was something that might have been possible come next February.
But then the true nature of her failing health became known. My mother Mary suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for many many years -- even back in the diner days -- and the disease had twisted her hands at a too young age. For too long, she managed her day to day with the strongest of medications. Many many medications. I remember in our meet-up in the mid naughts that she had a literal tackle box in order to manage everything she was prescribed. And so years and years of the strongest of medications had given her the weakest of bodies. Once diabetes joined the malady play list, it was only a matter of time before something like the scheduled visit to the hospital for a toe amputation would lead to much worse. With hospitals being the hotbed of germs that they are, my mother caught pneumonia and succumbed to septic shock within a fortnight.
In the final hours when we were notified that it would only be a matter of time and that comfort care was involved, I was invited to make one final phone call to her. I declined. I wasn't in the habit of making phone calls, and I was frightened that my attempt to do so at this time in these circumstances would end up like the final words sung by Freddie in 'Pity the Child' in CHESS, the musical (i.e. "just in case she said ... whoooooo?") -- a song that has always haunted me every time I heard it for all the obvious reasons. And so it was that I was the absentee son, up until and including the very very very last minute.
Now the distance, once literal, then figurative ... now it is final.
Fates: 5. Me and my momma: 0.
I insisted on being born. My mother was complicit in that act. I survive. She is gone. My story ... my truth ... admittedly much different for my siblings ... and much different for her siblings and their families ... for me, it boils down to how we are the choices we make. We live ... and we die ... with their consequences. It is so very hard to miss again what I didn't have and missed for years before, for reasons laid out herein. But I owe her my life. Which means, I owe her respect with her passing. Because she was key to the fact that ...
I *INSISTED* on being born!
Mary Irene ... with whom I once played a game regularly, where I would say "I love you" and you would answer with "I love you two" and I would counter with "I love you three", and so on, and so on, on we would go to the highest number I knew at the time (I was quite young) ... tonight I say to you, "I love you to infinity" ... and I say to you that you will be missed.
I *INSISTED* on being born!
That's bound to be the opening line of a yet-to-be-written auto-biography, but for now it stands as the beginning marker of the atypical relationship I had with my mother Mary, who passed away a few days ago.
You see, I'm an early seventies IUD baby, and even at the ripe old age of negative forty weeks, I was decidedly stubborn. I was happening. And no attempt to block my father's sperm from finding and fertilizing my mother's egg by some flimsy piece of plastic in her privates was going to be good enough to stop me from being.
For that matter, no family doctor with a little practice in central PA (no offense and RIP James Tibbitts) was going to convince my mother otherwise despite him telling her there was no way she could be pregnant. She knew I was happening, one way or another. Sure she'd take whatever medication he prescribed for whatever condition OTHER than pregnancy he thought she had at first (medication that would later be attributed to the rotting of my baby teeth). But even in the womb, I had perfected my ability to scoff... and to survive.
I insisted on being born, damn it.
And so I WAS born ... born the last of my mother's children ... born *almost* the last of my father's children (he had one more late in life, when he was competing (but lost) for the title of world's oldest father [no offense and RIP Tony Randall]) ... born in the year of Hurricane Agnes that brought destruction to my central PA community ... born into a relationship that was soon to be winding down ... born and added to a family unit that would implode before I would be old enough to really recall any traditional bonding times.
I have come to realize that there was a price to be paid for tricking the fates into arriving into this world ... for it would be those same fates who would keep me from my biological mother for most of my life. And by "fates", I mean a decision by a county judge in a mid-seventies shocker of a divorce decree, followed by the machinations of a jealous replacement wife who deviously manipulated the innocence of children to address her own insecurities, and ending with a separation via distance: first literal, then figurative and now final.
The fates don't like to be tricked ... and they don't come lightly by their reputation for being cruel.
To be fair, though, I was loved as a baby -- although, let's face it ... it's pretty easy to love a baby, especially one as cute and pudgy and tow-headed as I. There are pictures to prove it -- both my cute and pudgy status AND the fact that I was loved enough to be surrounded by all my stuffed animals, or to be permitted to take out all the pots and pans in order to turn the kitchen into my performance arena for a cacophony of my own creation, or to be visited in the basement rec room each holiday by a Santa Claus who had the suspiciously easy to recognize ears of my father's family line. There are tales of me taking aim and throwing bottles in church (the zenith of any display of athletic prowess on my part) and of me chawing down on chicken bones in my highchair to keep me occupied and quiet (poultry and the processing of it is actually a family birthright from my father's side). Surely my mother had some role in this stage of my development, even if I was too young to recall anything -- although it's also likely that my oldest sister had something to do with it, because she's gone on record saying how pleased she was that she got what her friends didn't have ... a real live doll to play with, brought home from the hospital just for her.
Regardless ... "this" didn't last. This family. This home. This life. If there were to be a soundtrack playing as you read this, it would be time for Tammy Wynette to start spelling out the word D-I-V-O-R-C-E and to replace little J-O-E with little T-R-O-Y. Except here's a scenario that that song didn't consider. Namely, what if both parents going through a dissolution of a marriage were each married before? What if father had a separate family from after World War II in the next county over? And what if mother was married with a child and a "one-on-the-way " (to mix a little Loretta Lynn in with my classic country references) when she first met that guy, my father, at the start of the marriage.
To clear up a quick fact, my mother was actually a very recent widow when she met my father, having lost the father of HER first two children to an accident at the race car track just months before they got together. (That oldest sister who was delighted to have a baby in the family was technically a half-sister in that we shared a mommy but had different daddies.) And one other layer to add in ... my mother had *also* lost a brother as a teenager. Who's to say how a young woman deals with those kinds of losses ... and how it changes you at that tender age ... and how it colors your future decisions ... but with the luxury of hindsight ... one does wonder how it may have changed my mother Mary ...
Back to the divorce decree. Despite it being the mid-seventies and even though it was customary at the time for children OF a marriage to go to the mother IN a marriage that was ending, the breaking up of this blended family in the courts would play out slightly more controversially. In total there were five children ... the oldest daughter of my mother with her first husband, the other daughter of my mother with her first husband who was born after her biological father died such that she only knew my father as her father, the twins that had christened this relationship of second marriages and me (you probably recall ... but I had insisted on being born as well). No soon-to-be-single woman working in a poultry processing plant (so many of the key moments that affected my childhood took place in one of Fredericksburg's many chicken plants) could possibly afford to care for FIVE offspring. Or so sayeth the judge in a divorce decree that placed primary custody of the oldest children with the mother (seeing as how they did have a different father, technically) and kept the youngest children (i.e. the twins and I) with the father.
Fates: 1. Me and my momma: 0.
To be fair, though, there was shared custody. At least at the beginning. But you know how it goes .. daddy meets a new mommy ... mommy meets a new daddy ... daddy's new mommy doesn't like daddy's old mommy (and can barely tolerate the new kids that have to play with her set of kids -- because, yes, daddy's new mommy had been married with kids before daddy met daddy's new mommy through parents-with-partners [an online dating service of sorts that pre-dated there being such a thing as online relationship finders]) ... mommy's old daddy doesn't like mommy's new daddy ... daddy and mommy both soon don't like their new rebound mommies and daddies ... so daddy meets *another* new mommy who really really doesn't like daddy's old mommy (the first old mommy not the latest old mommy ... although not the original old mommy from the WWII family, 'cause that whole thing is pretty much ancient history by this point) ... and so we come to the part of the story that features the evil stepmother. (By the way, it would have been perfectly acceptable for you to have pulled out pen and paper and attempted to illustrate this last paragraph. Really, it's OK. It may be the only way to capture the visual.)
Before we go down the Disney villain pathway regarding my father's next marriage partner, though, let it be said that some of my fondest memories of me as a child and Mary as my mother happened in this section of our shared timeline -- the shared custody section.
I remember playing in the sun room with my Sweet Pickles toys at the Fox house (that was my mother's new last name, as he was her new marriage partner) ... and walking down the road to frolic in the "crick" (frolic being defined as splashing about and overturning rocks to look at the creatures underneath them) ... and using all kinds of Avon products (she was a "distributor"). I remember the drives during the shared custody times, counting cars on the way to her place in Schuylkill Haven to pass the time -- her own apartment, after she no longer was a Fox (because, as said above, the rebound relationships for BOTH didn't work out). I remember going to the diner where she worked, and having ham and cheese sandwiches with a side of chips with the bread and meat stuck together with those little toothpicks that had the colored streamers on the end of them -- items not on the menu, but made special for me because she knew the owner. I remember sitting on the floor behind the bar in the banquet room while she worked, keeping myself busy with the workbooks that she would buy me when we went to the store. I remember that she fed my curiosity and kept my brain engaged by letting me choose the educational lesson books that were in the toy section at Hills (I was a strange child, but a strange child who did realllly well in school for having gotten a head start with those items).
How exactly I ended up there I'm not quite sure, other than my father and the wicked stepmother had given up on me. Because I get it. I was willful and obstinate and clever and creative and imaginative. I was a handful. I was under nourished from having love withheld from me. I was sensitive and insular and damaged. I had no outlet. I had few friends. I needed attention and I wanted out, in so many applications of that word. I know me now and I know from whence I came. PS -- I love me now (faults and all). I flourished. I repaired. I found an outlet ... and friends ... and success on my own terms. And I am still willful and obstinate and clever and creative and imaginative ... and a handful. I embrace it. I am proud of it. I stand by it. But I get it. I accept the fact that I may have represented a parenting challenge back in the day.
When it comes right down to it, I like to think that my recently deceased mother actually encouraged me to be "a challenge". As I remember it, I was her "tigger", a la Winnie the Pooh's friend, a la "the wonderful thing about tiggers is that tiggers are wonderful things", a la don't let Rabbit try to change who you are or what makes you special, for those familiar with that story.
Upon reflection, how I ended up back in the care of my father and the aforementioned wicked stepmother ... I'm not quite sure. Rumor has it I phoned and stated I was over it. Frankly, I don't think I had the power to make that kind of claim or to force that kind of decision. Based on my age, I feel strongly that I was wrapped up in the machinations of the adults. Because it wasn't long after that custody swap that we (my sisters AND I) were allegedly terminating our own ability to spend time with our mother in another now-suspicious phone call.
Divorce wasn't prevalent in Jesus Bible times ... but if it had been ... I know in my heart that the following would be a verse in the New Testament -- maybe added to the Sermon on the Mount, possibly a Debbie Downer style addendum to the Beatitudes, likely a statement that would have gone a little something like this: "Cursed are those who manipulate the minds of the innocent youth for their own nefarious purposes". Or, summarized another way ...
Fates: 2. Me and my momma: 0.
To be fair though, there was still contact between her and me (and my sisters). There were cards at every holiday (addressed to Master Troy, which was technically correct yet comical to me as a child), and there were leather bound Louis L'Amour books arriving by mail every so often, followed by the Time Life Civil War series, and an electronic dungeons and dragons game where you tried to build the walls of a castle/maze before you accidentally stumbled on the electronic dragon.
Of course, all the cards and letters and photos were opened by "the warden" before being given to me, so I can only assume that I got everything that was actually sent to me. And I was forced to throw out that dungeons and dragons game, ostensibly because it was leading me to Satan, but more likely because my father's wife-of-the-time was a jealous jealous woman. She was a bit "touched" even before she was in a car accident where the majority of her brains was replaced with a metal plate (OK, I exaggerate slightly ... but she did get the metal plate in her head, even if she kept most of her brains after being in that car crash).
Her fascination with all things Mary led to some questionable parenting (i.e. telling me that my father is whomever my mother says it is, implying, of course, that my dad was NOT my dad after all) and some bizarre posturing (i.e. not letting me go to my 8th grade field day because my mother was back visiting the east coast and had allegedly organized a kidnapping of me to take place in the midst of the hullabaloo that day -- and so I was forced to play hooky and accompany her to Green Dragon to foil the plot). That was a similar approach to when my mother's mother passed away, and, after much debate, I was whisked into and out of the viewing for my Nanny, but kept from the funeral for fear that I be snatched away. (Mind you, by this time, it was abundantly clear that I wasn't necessarily wanted by the stepmother, and that I only represented the pawn in her jealousy game as defined by her warped relationship with my father.)
However, the damage to our relationship was done. The signature on the cards and letters, the image in the photos, the gifter of the books (that , thankfully, I still have) ... it represented a woman who was no longer involved in my life ... and who was harder and harder to think of as a part of me, despite our time together when I was younger. Grade after grade passed by with birthday after birthday, but the fact was that there were over 2000 miles between us in a pre-interwebs age. The literal distance was succeeding in dismantling our relationship.
Fates: 3. Me and my momma: 0.
Not for her want of trying ... but because I didn't have the skills to process it. I spent that decade trying to figure out who *I* was, and in relying on *my* support system to get me through college ... and then through law school. And the reality was that I had people in my life at that time who served as substitutes who knew me better and whom I cared for more than a distant figure. I was so unbelievably free, that I wasn't bound by blood when it came to defining my family, and so I sought out (and thrived because of) "family" connections who were real and present and invested in my day to day.
I went through phases where I was better than at other times in returning the communications. Without great regularity, I would send cards and letters and photos ... although I often struggled since Hallmark doesn't have a line of cards that quite captures all that we had been through. I will say emphatically that we each played the hands we were dealt, and that it was neither person's fault per se that we couldn't recapture the bond we obviously once had ... but by this time, the figurative distance was simply too great.
Fates: 4. Me and my momma: 0.
As per our pattern, it was soon time for us to meet again ... in *this* decade.
To be fair, though, I had just started the earliest conversations about possibly connecting while I was in Vegas (my company sends me there each year for a conference), because, in my mother's advanced age, she had lost that late in life love, and her health was proving to be more challenging, and she had moved into my out-west-sister's home ... in Nevada. Of course, it was the opposite end of Nevada than Vegas, but, with enough planning ahead of time, it was something that might have been possible come next February.
In the final hours when we were notified that it would only be a matter of time and that comfort care was involved, I was invited to make one final phone call to her. I declined. I wasn't in the habit of making phone calls, and I was frightened that my attempt to do so at this time in these circumstances would end up like the final words sung by Freddie in 'Pity the Child' in CHESS, the musical (i.e. "just in case she said ... whoooooo?") -- a song that has always haunted me every time I heard it for all the obvious reasons. And so it was that I was the absentee son, up until and including the very very very last minute.
Now the distance, once literal, then figurative ... now it is final.
Fates: 5. Me and my momma: 0.
I insisted on being born. My mother was complicit in that act. I survive. She is gone. My story ... my truth ... admittedly much different for my siblings ... and much different for her siblings and their families ... for me, it boils down to how we are the choices we make. We live ... and we die ... with their consequences. It is so very hard to miss again what I didn't have and missed for years before, for reasons laid out herein. But I owe her my life. Which means, I owe her respect with her passing. Because she was key to the fact that ...
I *INSISTED* on being born!
Mary Irene ... with whom I once played a game regularly, where I would say "I love you" and you would answer with "I love you two" and I would counter with "I love you three", and so on, and so on, on we would go to the highest number I knew at the time (I was quite young) ... tonight I say to you, "I love you to infinity" ... and I say to you that you will be missed.
July 12, 2015
Random Scandal Sheet for Sunday 7/12/15
What southern Florida is talking about this week:
The sinking of the Rapa Nui reef at nearby Deerfield Beach.
Which *did* sink ... except, sadly, it flipped over and crushed the statues on the way down, a $500,000 "mistake".
Perhaps a step back is needed to put this in context ... the Rapa Nui statues were commissioned to be created by a local artist (and paid for by a local philanthropist) ... and they were to be sunk as an artificial reef to be a tourist attraction for scuba divers to swim in and around them after they were positioned at the bottom of the ocean floor.
However, due to bad engineering and/or an over-eager tug boat and/or the intervention of the gods who felt protective over the original Easter Island statues, the barge on which the finished product was placed that was to, in a controlled sink, head toward the bottom of the ocean, flipped over from side to side instead of just going under, and the statues slid into the ocean, with the barge coming down on top of most of them, crushing the tourist attraction-to-be.
Although, to be fair, the crushed remnants of the Rapa Nui reef from the sink-fail is now a diving destination in and of itself ... so ... you know ... there's that ...
The sinking of the Rapa Nui reef at nearby Deerfield Beach.
Which *did* sink ... except, sadly, it flipped over and crushed the statues on the way down, a $500,000 "mistake".
Perhaps a step back is needed to put this in context ... the Rapa Nui statues were commissioned to be created by a local artist (and paid for by a local philanthropist) ... and they were to be sunk as an artificial reef to be a tourist attraction for scuba divers to swim in and around them after they were positioned at the bottom of the ocean floor.
However, due to bad engineering and/or an over-eager tug boat and/or the intervention of the gods who felt protective over the original Easter Island statues, the barge on which the finished product was placed that was to, in a controlled sink, head toward the bottom of the ocean, flipped over from side to side instead of just going under, and the statues slid into the ocean, with the barge coming down on top of most of them, crushing the tourist attraction-to-be.
Although, to be fair, the crushed remnants of the Rapa Nui reef from the sink-fail is now a diving destination in and of itself ... so ... you know ... there's that ...
July 11, 2015
Random Soapbox for Saturday 7/11/15
I don't mean to go off on a rant here, but ...
... I go on my lunch break walks to clear my head and to relieve some stress, so I do NOT need to be assaulted by the improper use of quotation marks on a sign on a house that I walk past.
What originally started back in Chicago as a way to combat the negative effects of being a work-from-home employee has now turned into the only exercise I'm getting PLUS an all but guaranteed sunning now that my home is in southern Florida (maybe even more so this year, with a rainy season that *still* hasn't arrived as promised). After all, once I get a little color on me, no one seems to be able to guess my ethnicity and everybody starts claiming me as one of their own ... so the walks are generally a win-win-win.
That is, until I walked past the house with the "1509" sign ... and the 1509 is placed in the air quotes. Immediately, the stress that I'm to be relieving returned in full, and it is all I can do to not walk up to the door and announce to its inhabitants that this is reality. That their house number really is 1509. That it's on the same side of the street between the houses marked 1507 and 1511 and so the choice of number is neither whimsical nor ironic. That their domicile is not in some fantasy world ... and that they can't communicate that they live in "1509" like maybe in their minds they think of it as 1348 but they call it "1509" so as not to confuse their friends. 1509 is 1509. Stop "pretending" otherwise! You people drive me CRAZY!
[PS ... I know I could simply re-route my walks. But hey, where's the "fun" in that?]
... I go on my lunch break walks to clear my head and to relieve some stress, so I do NOT need to be assaulted by the improper use of quotation marks on a sign on a house that I walk past.
What originally started back in Chicago as a way to combat the negative effects of being a work-from-home employee has now turned into the only exercise I'm getting PLUS an all but guaranteed sunning now that my home is in southern Florida (maybe even more so this year, with a rainy season that *still* hasn't arrived as promised). After all, once I get a little color on me, no one seems to be able to guess my ethnicity and everybody starts claiming me as one of their own ... so the walks are generally a win-win-win.
That is, until I walked past the house with the "1509" sign ... and the 1509 is placed in the air quotes. Immediately, the stress that I'm to be relieving returned in full, and it is all I can do to not walk up to the door and announce to its inhabitants that this is reality. That their house number really is 1509. That it's on the same side of the street between the houses marked 1507 and 1511 and so the choice of number is neither whimsical nor ironic. That their domicile is not in some fantasy world ... and that they can't communicate that they live in "1509" like maybe in their minds they think of it as 1348 but they call it "1509" so as not to confuse their friends. 1509 is 1509. Stop "pretending" otherwise! You people drive me CRAZY!
[PS ... I know I could simply re-route my walks. But hey, where's the "fun" in that?]
July 10, 2015
Random Flashback for Friday 7/10/15
Normally the picture every Friday is from twenty years ago (give or take a week or month), but every now and then I break with tradition and supply a photo that doesn't fit those rules.
This is one of those times.
Tonight's picture is in honor of my biological mother, who passed away a few days ago. It's importance is that it is the last photo taken of the two of us together ... in St. Louis ... back in the mid-aughts (what can I say ... distance defined our relationship) ... at my sister Bonnie's house on the occasion of her middle child's graduation.
Her pictures will continue to appear on Fridays in the weeks and years ahead despite her passing (especially around the holidays as she was always good about sending a picture in the Christmas card each year). But for tonight, this seems like the right photo for the right time.
RIP Mother Mary.
This is one of those times.
Tonight's picture is in honor of my biological mother, who passed away a few days ago. It's importance is that it is the last photo taken of the two of us together ... in St. Louis ... back in the mid-aughts (what can I say ... distance defined our relationship) ... at my sister Bonnie's house on the occasion of her middle child's graduation.
Her pictures will continue to appear on Fridays in the weeks and years ahead despite her passing (especially around the holidays as she was always good about sending a picture in the Christmas card each year). But for tonight, this seems like the right photo for the right time.
RIP Mother Mary.
July 9, 2015
Random Thought for Thursday 7/9/15
On a day like today touched as it was by death (my mother has passed away), I think it somehow fitting that my post focuses on life.
Recently, my nephew Kirk N and his wife added twins to the family tree (the first set since my mother added my sisters to a branch of the same tree back in the late 60's), and Boden N and Brady N have spent some time in the local NICU since their arrival.
My nephew's sister Kylene N, aka my niece, is holding a fundraiser to sponsor Thermal Totes to give to two different NICUs. (I understand that they are donated to new mothers so that they can more easily transport their pumped breast milk.)
Seeing as how *hospice* nurses played a role in helping my mother pass peacefully, it seems that honoring those *NICU* angels who play a role in helping the youngest enter the world is a fitting, full circle kind of way to honor my mother Mary ...
Recently, my nephew Kirk N and his wife added twins to the family tree (the first set since my mother added my sisters to a branch of the same tree back in the late 60's), and Boden N and Brady N have spent some time in the local NICU since their arrival.
My nephew's sister Kylene N, aka my niece, is holding a fundraiser to sponsor Thermal Totes to give to two different NICUs. (I understand that they are donated to new mothers so that they can more easily transport their pumped breast milk.)
Seeing as how *hospice* nurses played a role in helping my mother pass peacefully, it seems that honoring those *NICU* angels who play a role in helping the youngest enter the world is a fitting, full circle kind of way to honor my mother Mary ...
July 8, 2015
Random Wordplay for Wednesday 7/8/15
Chubby Checker app
Used in a sentence: "The best part of my time in law school two decades ago was learning all the crazy facts in the various case briefs ... and I can only hope that future generations of law students have to pick apart the Chubby Checker app trademark case."
If you somehow missed the Chubby Checker app trademark case, it's when Ernest Evans, the *real* name of the guy who got America to do the twist (over and over again), sued to put an end to the Chubby Checker app.
Alack and alas, in a world where ... you already know what I'm going to say ... "there's an app for that" ... the Chubby Checker app is NOT a one stop shop for easy access to listen to his nearly three dozen hits (of which one dozen appear to be some variation of his biggest song) ... but is, instead, a helper for unscientifically guesstimating the size of a man's special appendage by inputting his shoe size -- i.e. literally checking his chubby.
Or *was*, that is. The Chubby Checker app was taken off the market long before the lawsuit went very far. Which means you'll have to check chubs the old-fashioned way ... by getting the man attached to the appendage drunk.
Used in a sentence: "The best part of my time in law school two decades ago was learning all the crazy facts in the various case briefs ... and I can only hope that future generations of law students have to pick apart the Chubby Checker app trademark case."
If you somehow missed the Chubby Checker app trademark case, it's when Ernest Evans, the *real* name of the guy who got America to do the twist (over and over again), sued to put an end to the Chubby Checker app.
Alack and alas, in a world where ... you already know what I'm going to say ... "there's an app for that" ... the Chubby Checker app is NOT a one stop shop for easy access to listen to his nearly three dozen hits (of which one dozen appear to be some variation of his biggest song) ... but is, instead, a helper for unscientifically guesstimating the size of a man's special appendage by inputting his shoe size -- i.e. literally checking his chubby.
Or *was*, that is. The Chubby Checker app was taken off the market long before the lawsuit went very far. Which means you'll have to check chubs the old-fashioned way ... by getting the man attached to the appendage drunk.
July 7, 2015
Random Tune for Tuesday 7/7/15
This new series is ... well ... new ... so just to remind you ... the tune for today will be chosen from a cassette that I am discarding from my collection -- NOT out of protest but because I *also* have the identical CD in that same collection .. and there's no need for both.
Besides ... what would anyone possibly have to protest about Air Supply? Unless, I guess you were just anti-Aussie in general for some unknown reason.
As for me, from this greatest hits collection, I'll select the Jim Steinman composition that was his *original* stab at the sentiment of 'I'd Do Anything For Love, But I Won't Do That' (as famously provided to Marvin Aday) ... a POWER ballad (POWER deserving of the all-caps treatment) ... that really really does "make all the stadiums rock". Or, at least, it made all my automobiles rock as I strained every vocal chord shouting the climax:
"And I can make you every promise that has ever been made,
And I can make all your demons be gone."
Demons be gone indeed!
Besides ... what would anyone possibly have to protest about Air Supply? Unless, I guess you were just anti-Aussie in general for some unknown reason.
As for me, from this greatest hits collection, I'll select the Jim Steinman composition that was his *original* stab at the sentiment of 'I'd Do Anything For Love, But I Won't Do That' (as famously provided to Marvin Aday) ... a POWER ballad (POWER deserving of the all-caps treatment) ... that really really does "make all the stadiums rock". Or, at least, it made all my automobiles rock as I strained every vocal chord shouting the climax:
"And I can make you every promise that has ever been made,
And I can make all your demons be gone."
Demons be gone indeed!
July 6, 2015
Random Memorial for Monday 7/6/15
Gone but not forgotten: sparklers on the Fourth of July!
Or, more accurately, ME playing with sparklers on the Fourth of July. (Which means that the photo accompanying this image, as per usual, is off of the google and not something I was lucky enough to take live.)
I know this might sound somewhat contradictory in light of my rants this weekend about leaving the pyrotechnics to the professionals out of respect for pets-n-vets. I still stand by those declarations. I saw the news about the football player who hurt himself locally putting on his own display, and I have no sympathy. I mean, I do want him to get his pain medicine and be treated by his doctors (I'm not a sadist), but I don't feel sorry for someone that went looking for trouble. And if his football career is over, may I recommend the job of shop teacher, as all the ones I've known wear those kinds of wounds with pride.
To me, sparklers belong in a lesser category (although I'm sure that they've been known to cause dozens of injuries each year as well) ... primarily because even *I* used to handle them ... when I was much much younger. And if *I* can handle them, with my noted deficiencies in items requiring manual dexterity, then anyone should be able to whip one out and sparkle on.
Tiny fire sticks that I used to use to write my name in the air ... now that I'm too old to do that any more ... you are missed.
Or, more accurately, ME playing with sparklers on the Fourth of July. (Which means that the photo accompanying this image, as per usual, is off of the google and not something I was lucky enough to take live.)
I know this might sound somewhat contradictory in light of my rants this weekend about leaving the pyrotechnics to the professionals out of respect for pets-n-vets. I still stand by those declarations. I saw the news about the football player who hurt himself locally putting on his own display, and I have no sympathy. I mean, I do want him to get his pain medicine and be treated by his doctors (I'm not a sadist), but I don't feel sorry for someone that went looking for trouble. And if his football career is over, may I recommend the job of shop teacher, as all the ones I've known wear those kinds of wounds with pride.
To me, sparklers belong in a lesser category (although I'm sure that they've been known to cause dozens of injuries each year as well) ... primarily because even *I* used to handle them ... when I was much much younger. And if *I* can handle them, with my noted deficiencies in items requiring manual dexterity, then anyone should be able to whip one out and sparkle on.
Tiny fire sticks that I used to use to write my name in the air ... now that I'm too old to do that any more ... you are missed.
July 5, 2015
Random Scandal Sheet for Sunday 7/5/15
What southern Florida is talking about this week:
Who knew they were so controversial?
Apparently, they are an invasive species (the Asian Carp of the environs, to put it in the perspective of the *last* invasive species with which I became familiar [or invasive species a la Mexican immigrants, to those of you who are fond of the Trump and his attempts to guarantee that a Democrat is elected in the next presidential contest {the DNC is paying this guy, right?}]) AND potentially worse than all of that, they poop up to 1/3 a pound a day.
In a world where so few people get along, it's likely no surprise that some folks like to feed 'em, some folks like to rescue 'em, some folks like to brag when they run over them with their lawnmower, some folks like to remove them humanely ... and some folks, I suppose, could care less one way or the other.
But consider yourself warned and consider me your Paul Revere, Duck Edition: The Muscovies are coming! The Muscovies are coming!
Who knew they were so controversial?
Apparently, they are an invasive species (the Asian Carp of the environs, to put it in the perspective of the *last* invasive species with which I became familiar [or invasive species a la Mexican immigrants, to those of you who are fond of the Trump and his attempts to guarantee that a Democrat is elected in the next presidential contest {the DNC is paying this guy, right?}]) AND potentially worse than all of that, they poop up to 1/3 a pound a day.
In a world where so few people get along, it's likely no surprise that some folks like to feed 'em, some folks like to rescue 'em, some folks like to brag when they run over them with their lawnmower, some folks like to remove them humanely ... and some folks, I suppose, could care less one way or the other.
But consider yourself warned and consider me your Paul Revere, Duck Edition: The Muscovies are coming! The Muscovies are coming!
July 4, 2015
Random Soapbox for Saturday 7/4/15
I don't mean to go off on a rant here, but ...
... I think I'm *over* fireworks.
Let's be clear ... I'm not renouncing my citizenship or anything like that ... and I know it's a somewhat controversial stance to take on today of all days ... but between seeing how the puppies react and observing the additional push this year to make sure that folks are considerate of vets as well as pets, I think I'd be okay without any of the aforementioned activity.
I should probably also clarify ... I'm not talking about the well put together public displays for the community. I recall fondly sitting on the front porch of the house on Cumberland St in Lebanon to watch the annual Hills fireworks ... and then running back to the alley behind the back yard to look along the railroad tracks to the west of town to catch the highest ones in the night sky from Coleman's (which always went off later than Hills). Until the end of my time, whenever I see one of *those* types of displays, I have to repeat the famous words of our very Dutchified neighbor Mr. Miley, who exclaimed, "Awwww ... dat vas a purrrdy one!" on more than one occasion.
What I don't get? The one-offs. The kids with the snapper things. The kind you buy at roadside stands just across state lines, and then set off in the streets of town with a lighter you stole from the local 7-11 (note: that is a hypothetical scenario only and does not speak to an actual crime of which I may or may not have knowledge). Or the ones that I thought were duds in that there is no visual ... just the sonic boom that sets off car alarms ... causes pets to wake from a deep sleep (and to jump off the bed in hot pursuit of whatever it was that had wakened them) ... and makes our soldiers reach for any one of the guns they have hidden in their houses due to their condition.
It may very well be that the turning point was that one holiday in Logan Square, shortly after moving to the big city of Chicago, surrounded by families that were in the middle of the spectrum I described above ... having clearly purchased the type of armaments that you'd expect to be in a professional display, yet just as clearly setting them off from the back yards -- almost as if they were aiming for their neighbors. That evening, sitting at the outside patio table looking up at a night sky that was eerily reminiscent of the live shots of "war over Baghdad" (from the first time ... when Daddy Bush led the country) ... that's when the seeds of my displeasure were sown.
So ... have your fun. Attend a professional event in a setting where pets and vets can choose to not participate. But I'll be home comforting the boys ... and hoping that daylight comes faster than Francis Scott Key did the night he was stuck on the boat watching the bombardment of Fort McHenry. Stay safe out there people!
... I think I'm *over* fireworks.
Let's be clear ... I'm not renouncing my citizenship or anything like that ... and I know it's a somewhat controversial stance to take on today of all days ... but between seeing how the puppies react and observing the additional push this year to make sure that folks are considerate of vets as well as pets, I think I'd be okay without any of the aforementioned activity.
I should probably also clarify ... I'm not talking about the well put together public displays for the community. I recall fondly sitting on the front porch of the house on Cumberland St in Lebanon to watch the annual Hills fireworks ... and then running back to the alley behind the back yard to look along the railroad tracks to the west of town to catch the highest ones in the night sky from Coleman's (which always went off later than Hills). Until the end of my time, whenever I see one of *those* types of displays, I have to repeat the famous words of our very Dutchified neighbor Mr. Miley, who exclaimed, "Awwww ... dat vas a purrrdy one!" on more than one occasion.
What I don't get? The one-offs. The kids with the snapper things. The kind you buy at roadside stands just across state lines, and then set off in the streets of town with a lighter you stole from the local 7-11 (note: that is a hypothetical scenario only and does not speak to an actual crime of which I may or may not have knowledge). Or the ones that I thought were duds in that there is no visual ... just the sonic boom that sets off car alarms ... causes pets to wake from a deep sleep (and to jump off the bed in hot pursuit of whatever it was that had wakened them) ... and makes our soldiers reach for any one of the guns they have hidden in their houses due to their condition.
It may very well be that the turning point was that one holiday in Logan Square, shortly after moving to the big city of Chicago, surrounded by families that were in the middle of the spectrum I described above ... having clearly purchased the type of armaments that you'd expect to be in a professional display, yet just as clearly setting them off from the back yards -- almost as if they were aiming for their neighbors. That evening, sitting at the outside patio table looking up at a night sky that was eerily reminiscent of the live shots of "war over Baghdad" (from the first time ... when Daddy Bush led the country) ... that's when the seeds of my displeasure were sown.
So ... have your fun. Attend a professional event in a setting where pets and vets can choose to not participate. But I'll be home comforting the boys ... and hoping that daylight comes faster than Francis Scott Key did the night he was stuck on the boat watching the bombardment of Fort McHenry. Stay safe out there people!
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