November 12, 2016

Random Soapbox for Saturday 11/12/16

I don't mean to go off on a rave here, but ...

... that's *exactly* what I'm going to do.

And not just for one Saturday out of the month like I normally do to balance out all the other weeks when I rant, but seeing as how it is November and all, I'm going to rave every week of the month in order to honor this season of gratitude.

Over on the Facebook, I'm doing it daily ... and on Saturdays, I'll compile my thoughts for the week so that they are recorded for the blog -- so as to cultivate the habit of being grateful.  To whit:

NOV 6 -- Today, I am THANKFUL for GAZEBO ROOM salad dressing. I first learned of it after the move to Harrisburg to finish law school, when I made the mistake of liking it so much, I tried to drink the excess that was in my empty salad bowl (it's a little strong to take as a shot, in all the right ways). All day long, there's been a London broil marinating in the good stuff, which I brought back from central PA last month as we've not had it in the pantry for months. That travesty will be remedied shortly ... .

NOV 7 -- Today, I am THANKFUL for super smart ATM MACHINES. Back when I was younger, your only option was dispensed $20s and you could risk putting a check in an envelope and hope that the slot didn't eat it. Now you can withdraw any amount you want, and you can just deposit a stack of bills and the machine counts them for you. Fancy fancy ...

NOV 8 --  Today, I am THANKFUL for ADOBO GRILL in Chicago, 'cause chef's guac game improved exponentially after the employment there, where it was made tableside night after night as part of their shtick. I've not seen a packet of guacamole seasoning ever since ... and now it's Mex-authentic every time we eat it.

NOV 9 -- Today, I am THANKFUL for PASSION. Mind you, I'm a little afraid that it's going to subsume some people I know based on their statuses of the last 24 hours ... but I'm not going to knock someone who believes so strongly that they get a little crazy every now and then. Now here's hoping that same passion shows up again when something outlandish moves beyond the campaign promise stage to something a little more immediately actionable.

NOV 10 -- Today, I am THANKFUL for MULCH ... even if I might be addicted. Earlier, the last patch of what was intended to be grass was covered up with it -- because grass just won't grow back there and because one of the puppy dogs is allergic to the dirt (and unfortunately he loves to dig in it). So mulch it is. *Everywhere!*

NOV 11 -- Today, I am THANKFUL for VETERANS ... although as I discovered recently, the standard "thank you for your service" may not quite work any more. As I said last week in the link below: "Maybe there are no words. Maybe words are hollow. Maybe actions are better -- volunteer, donate to a worthy veteran cause, or don't speak and just listen."

NOV 12 -- Today, I am THANKFUL for TEAMS ON A WINNING STREAK ... as in Penn State, of course. Mind you, I did not go to school there ... and I've only ever been to an actual game once in my life ... but since leaving my home state of PA in 2001, it's been a way to combat homesickness to follow their seasons (both good and bad). And it's always more fun to do that when they are winning six in a row!




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