November 12, 2016

How to Prepare for a Trump "Presidency": A Twelve Part Primer (Part 1)


Being the helpful guy that I am, who is also committed to looking forward, and knowing that the recent election has been challenging for a great many individuals, I am pleased to present a twelve part primer on how to prepare for a Trump "Presidency".

I still stand by my prediction that this will be a partial term "presidency", and that Don Sr will actually quit or do something so egregious that he will be ripped from the oval office before the next election.

But until then ... I do not want people to be paralyzed with fear.  I want to offer up a concrete plan consisting of action steps on which individuals can focus.  What follows over the next dozen days will be specific items that will help you be best prepared for life after January 20, 2017.  There will be action verbs and there will be goals against which you can measure your success, starting tonight with ...

PART ONE:  Learn how to scale a wall.

Much has been made of the border plans for a wall to keep others OUT.

Little has been said about how a wall works both ways ... and that it can also be used to keep you IN against your will.

There may come a time after Jan 20 where you may need to make an escape from your environs, and a wall may be standing in your way.  As such, you should immediately add wall-scaling into your workout routine.

Courtesy of the interwebs (specifically the wiki how-to), below is an eight step process that might just one day be a key part of your temporary escape from Trumpland:

  1. First eye the spot on which to place your foot on the wall, waist height is good.
  2. Get a fair amount of distance away from your wall. What you feel is necessary, but try to be as close as possible--enough so you can gather speed and momentum to run up the wall.
  3. Start running moderately fast, increase speed as your getting close to the wall.
  4. Jump and put the ball of your comfortable foot on the wall where you eyed it, and at the same time thrust your other leg up hard; in a bike riding way to gain up momentum.
  5. Swing your arms and shoulders up to get more up momentum while pushing up.
  6. Reach, and reach good, as high as you can up and grab an edge.
  7. Pull yourself up and keep pulling up like on a rock climbing wall, or if possible, simply grab the top and pull yourself up. Remember to get your leg up and then you're good.
  8. Continue on your adventure.
COMING TOMORROW ... PART TWO:  Subscribe to the Crusader


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