November 14, 2016

How to Prepare for a Trump "Presidency": A Twelve Part Primer (Part 3)


I do not want people to be paralyzed with fear.  I want to offer up a concrete plan consisting of action steps on which individuals can focus.  What follows for a total of a dozen days will be specific items that will help you be best prepared for life after January 20, 2017.  There will be action verbs and there will be goals against which you can measure your success ...
 a twelve part primer on how to prepare for a Trump "Presidency".

Already shared ...

PART ONE:  Learn how to scale a wall
PART TWO:  Subscribe to 'The Crusader'

And tonight ... 

PART THREE:  Max out your credit cards (quickly)

You too can be a genius

Because there are bankruptcy laws out there ... so why not use them?  At least until someone changes them ... and I'm guessing that Trump and team, with his affinity for the filing maneuver, won't be in any hurry to do so.  

So go spend.  Max out the cards.  It's good for business ... it will be good for the economy ... it will be good for your image.  I even recommend splurging for some gold plated items.

Now note ... if circumstances end up being that you can't afford to pay the bills when they come due, and if the debt collectors start calling, just refer them to Trump (and take credit for keeping debt collectors employed, helping the economy).  If you're old enough to remember Coolidge's "chicken in every pot" strategy (and if you are, then you're probably too old to be reading this primer), surely it was an unstated campaign promise this time around that Americans (and maybe even America itself) can go ahead and get all bankrupt -- in a patriotic way.

"You get a bankruptcy!  YOU get a bankruptcy!  *YOU* get a bankruptcy!"

One final caveat -- if you take action on this item, do do so quickly.  After all, I still think it's highly likely that this will be a partial-term "Presidency", and that he'll be ripped from that oval office faster than those babies out of those vaginas three days before they're born that were referenced in the debate.  (Just a hunch.)

Don't miss out on being a genius too.

COMING TOMORROW ... PART FOUR:  Find the nearest fallout shelter

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