November 13, 2016

How to Prepare for a Trump "Presidency": A Twelve Part Primer (Part 2)


Being the helpful guy that I am, who is also committed to looking forward, and knowing that the recent election has been challenging for a great many individuals, I am pleased to present a twelve part primer on how to prepare for a Trump "Presidency".

I do not want people to be paralyzed with fear.  I want to offer up a concrete plan consisting of action steps on which individuals can focus.  What follows for a total of a dozen days will be specific items that will help you be best prepared for life after January 20, 2017.  There will be action verbs and there will be goals against which you can measure your success, continuing tonight with ...

PART TWO:  Subscribe to 'The Crusader'

Knowledge is power.

And you'll need to get past the fact that I'm talking about a communication method used by those affiliated with the *white* power movement.

Seeing as how Don Sr has a rough relationship with the current media, and knowing how eager this resource was to trumpet the fact that their values were aligned when they officially endorsed him shortly before election day, it is highly recommended that you get plugged in to this periodical in order to get scoops about what will be forthcoming from this administration for as long as it lasts.

If Bannon and the alt-right are going to start calling all the shots, it behooves you to get spoiler alerts as to where the "bullets" will be aimed.

I recognize that some of you may not want to have your name associated with such a publication, but I also think that there is a harm to "living in the bubble" and surrounding yourself with only those who think like you do, say things you say and believe what you believe.

If you belong to that category of folk, then I recommend that you subscribe under an alias.  May I suggest Mr. Ritz, Mr. Keebler or Mr. Lantz -- or any other famous names of crackers.  I doubt they'll get it.  But you'll get all the news that's unfit to print.

COMING TOMORROW ... PART THREE:  Max out your credit cards

ALREADY SHARED ... PART ONE:  Learn how to scale a wall

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