August 5, 2016

L V C || C L Memory 63

In 63 days, I'll be back on campus at my alma-mater at an extra special homecoming as Lebanon Valley College continues celebrating its 150th birthday.  In honor of that countdown, here's memory #63:  turning 20 on the break between semesters of my junior year.

Which clearly made me a young college student all the way around -- seeing as how I was only 17 when I started and here I was in my junior year and I still couldn't get in to the Corvette Grill to deal with the pressures of school with a little alcohol.

I pulled these particular birthday greetings to represent that moment ... one from Kelly S that included the line "no more bacon for you" (so it looks like I've been a bacon fan all of my life), one from Kristi H that referenced going to Ponderosa and how "I was worse than the girls" when it came to my hair (funny to me now that I barely have any on my head) and one from my (now late) mother, telling me, despite me being in college, that she "loved me as far as the numbers go" (a call back to how we interacted when I was really young).

It was (finally) time to stop being a teenager ... it was 1992.

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