August 6, 2016

L V C || C L Memory 62

In 62 days, I'll be back on campus at my alma-mater at an extra special homecoming as Lebanon Valley College continues celebrating its 150th birthday.  In honor of that countdown, here's memory #62:  one more flashback to my 20th birthday (which happened between semesters of my junior year in 1992).

As I've shared recently, one of my multiple on campus work study jobs was in the school library, and the amazing Mrs. K (Kujovsky) was my boss.  I'm sure she wasn't allowed to say that I was one of her favorites ... but it is also true that I was probably one of the few student workers for whom she bought a birthday gift.

And I'll always have this Bible with her signature on it as a memory of how much she cared.  (Note:  LVC was officially a Methodist college back in the day ... and may still "officially " be, although I'm not sure how much that is the leading marketing message in modern times.)

Additional note:  it's not yet the last time you'll hear of Mrs. K in this countdown, as she would come through for me in an even bigger way a few years later ... but that's another memory for a later day.

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