June 24, 2016

L V C || C L Memory 105

In 105 days, I'll be back on campus at my alma-mater at an extra special homecoming as Lebanon Valley College continues celebrating its 150th birthday.  In honor of that countdown, here's memory #105:  my most cultured semester EVER!

Here are the facts ... the semester abroad (officially, my third at LVC, despite it happening in Germany) included tons of activities that were paid for by the program, so I've never had another three month period where I attended the symphony multiple times, and a play or two, and a musical, and art displays, and even the opera once and etc. etc.

While not every single one of these was memorable enough for me to be able to say exactly what went on at each event, I definitely vividly recall the performance of Die Dreigroschenoper, (Brecht's 'Three Penny Opera' [aka the one with 'Mack the Knife']), which occurred on a stage made entirely of stairs/risers ... and which included an actual rainstorm (you can see a little of those images in the corners of this display).  I returned to LVC theatre with ideas for something unique and different (stay tuned for that story a few memories down this road).

By the way ... look at this student ID I used to get into each of these artistic events:

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