May 21, 2016

Random Soapbox for Saturday 5/21/16

I don't mean to go off on a rant here, but ...

Shut up and pee already!

I'm talking to you.  Go in the bathroom, do your business, wash your hands, and get out of the bathroom.  Don't worry about the person next to you (ahem, North Carolina.)  That's what's creepy about all this -- everyone is sooo concerned about the equipment on the person *next* to them.  Spoiler alert:  it's none of your damn business.

For the sake of argument -- and boy have I seen a lot of people who like to argue about other's people urination strategies of late -- if a male-to-female transperson is using the ladies' room, then guess what!  Ladies' rooms have STALLS in them!  Which means, unless you are teaching your daughters to climb over or crawl under an actual wall built for privacy to see how the person next to them is eliminating waste (and then again -- who's the creepy one?), no one's going to know whether the urethra in use in that same bathroom is a long one or a short one.

Similarly, if a female-to-male transperson is using the mens' room, then guess what!  Unless they paid big money to have something constructed (i.e which resulted in the lengthening of a urethra) or small money to buy a funnel like piece of equipment (i.e.  the Whizzer or the pStyle), then he is ALSO headed to a stall to do his business.  Which means, again, unless you are teaching your sons to climb over or crawl under an actual wall built for privacy ... you know the rest.  And if he is standing next to the urinal with the aid of surgery or equipment -- just shut up and pee already and stop looking to see what the person next to you is packing.  Stare straight ahead, read the paper if you're lucky enough to be in a classy enough joint that offers that perk, shake it off in a non-suggestive manner, wash your hands and go about your day.

Note:  and let this be the death knell for those trough style urinals.  They were obviously designed for the lookie-loos, and we're trying to get to the point where peeing is a private instead of a communal activity.

Oh and everyone's suddenly worried about the sexual assaults that are guaranteed to happen unless the big government steps in to play genitals-checker at the bathroom/restroom/washroom/water closet door (I have readers in every region) -- let me tell you something.  If you're really worried about those assaults -- maybe focus your energies on the pedophiles in your church, or coaching gymnastics, or sponsoring at risk youth who don't have strong parental figures, or grooming kiddies online.  When it comes to evaluating risk, I can assure that there is lower hanging fruit than these hypotheticals about scary bathroom activities.

I know scary stuff happens in bathrooms.  But as a reminder, it's more likely to be George Michael and an undercover cop or your conservative gay-hating Republican senators practicing the wide stance than an individual who has fought his or her whole life to be able to represent the "his or her" that he or she was born to be.  His or her self actualization whilst urinating is likely so much more meaningful at that moment than his or her worry about the creepy person next to him or her trying to figure out the mechanics of his or her urinary act.

By the way ... bathrooms have always been the place where fear tactics were used by politicians to rile up the uneducated masses.  White girls were frightened into thinking that they would catch the venereal diseases of the black girls (note:  not the descriptor word used in the south) when integration happened.  And when the ERA was being bandied about, the bathroom was one of the places used to scare people into a world where the law might make it equal for men to pee right next to women (oh the scandal).  I know it's hard to realize that everything old is new again ... but gain some perspective on your reality please.

We may have miles to go before everyone can be all Ally McBeal in the bathroom ... but until then, teach your kids to shut up and pee (and lead by damn example) and let's move on to the *real* problems in our society.

Down with the urethra police!  Overturn HB2!  Shut up and pee already!




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