May 21, 2016

L V C || C L Memory 139

In 139 days, I'll be back on campus at my alma-mater at an extra special homecoming as Lebanon Valley College continues celebrating its 150th birthday.  In honor of that countdown, here's memory #139:  the sprite bottle that almost sent me to the hospital.

So yes, I still have a (glass!) bottle from the fall of 1989 in the corner of my memento cabinet that I got when my grandmother passed away.  And yes, I have a whole shelf of mementos (and yes, maybe something memorializing the time I spent with *you* might just be on it).  Also yes, it looks like I have to dust the items on that shelf.

The story?  We were sitting in Dr. Kearney's English class freshperson year (see memory 143), and I was passing the time on a long lecture day playing with the bottle of the soda I had emptied in class.  Like the child I practically was, I slipped a finger in the opening ... and it got stuck.  As I recall, I was able to keep my panic to just myself and the few people next to me (Stacy G was one I believe), and after class, I had to walk back to my dorm room with it still inside.  Luckily, before I could figure out how to get to the hospital on my ten speed, my digit finally slipped out.  So I kept the bottle.  For decades.  Because I'm "special" like that.  And also because no one's committed me yet.

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