December 9, 2014

Bonus Post: From the Kap-Files #25

From the Kap-files #25:

It's well established ... I *love* a countdown.

As I've previously shared, I found out this past Election Day that my  current role in my company was not being funded in the new year.  After spending a few weeks exploring a few internal possibilities that didn't pan out, I decided today to exercise the option to leave, effective January 2.

Which brings me to my earlier point ... I sure do *love* a countdown.

In the 25 calendar days leading up to my last day (not all of them workdays, courtesy of weekends and holidays), I'll be thinking back on the nearly eleven years that represented my first real "career" (after spending nearly that same amount of time completing multiple undergrad and law school programs [it's also well established that I *love* going to school]).

For #25 ... here's a little secret.  I actually left or almost left twice before (hence the Mae West quote).  Once, in the summer of 2006 (or was it 2007?), I had decided to cash in my tiny 401k and to spend time pursuing my passion to write ... so I asked my employer to let me go to part time ... and then, before they could fill my position, my landlord of the time announced that he was planning to take over the house he owned.  With just 60 days notice to find something new, it wasn't the time to do something so drastic, and so I rescinded my request to leave.

Then, in mid-September 2008, I actually pulled the trigger (and spent the week after my last day in Florida on vacation, preparing to make the big move from Chicago ... until everyone in Florida said that I dare not move without having a job already lined up, as the Great Recession was hitting that state first ... and hitting it hard).  Luckily, I was able to crawl back to a part time job in the same office by Thanksgiving of that year ... and luckier still, I landed in a full time role by New Year's Day 2009.

So now here we are, the third time I'm leaving, and I have a feeling that this one is going to stick ... hence the countdown starting tonight, going for the next 25 days.

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