November 9, 2014

Random Scandal Sheet for Sunday 11/9/14

What southern Florida is talking about this week:

Well ... there is that old man who can't seem to keep his food to himself all over the news ... but I'll share my thoughts about that on another day.

Because today, after all, is a very specific day in history ... 25 years after the Berlin Wall came down.  I vividly remember where I was (before 9.11 happened, I thought it would replace the Challenger explosion as the "everybody knows where they were when X happened" [X being a turning point in history ... like JFK getting shot or the world war ending or the attack on Pearl Harbor or the stock market crash ... which should cover most everyone still alive], because I was in my first semester of undergrad at LVC, walking down the first floor of MaryGreen (I lived in MG213 that year), when I went past the doorway of RA Carol Amundsen.  She had a fancy (ish) suite as part of her job, and her TV in her living room space was covering the news of Gorbachev doing what Reagan has asked him to do.

I had no idea that one year later, I'd be IN Berlin for Wiedervereinigung (the possibly incorrectly named "Reunification", seeing as how the two countries coming together didn't exist exactly as such prior to the war).  So today I dug out the 24 year old photo album of the pictures I took of the wall as it existed one year later (that's me climbing it in the bottom corner of the main photo, but since I'm in the shadows of the tree, you really have to blow up the image to see it).  And, yes, sitting on the album is my little chunk of the wall that I hacked off that day in 1990 when I was there.

Instead of the customary links-in-triplicate, I'll include one more set of photos, showing Checkpoint Charlie as it existed in that time frame as well.  Here's to being lucky enough to be able to experience a piece of history.

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