July 14, 2014

Bonus Post: Fond Memory 22 (LHS Quadranscentennial Celebration Edition)

Fond Memory 22 
on this, the Quadranscentennial Celebration of 
my Lebanon High School Graduation:

[Quick note to catch up the reader ... I started a countdown to my 25th high school reunion this fall, with a fond memory posted every four days ... and then went away on a work trip and fell behind!  So I'm using the weekend to get caught up and back on track.  This *should have* been posted back on July 14th, when there *would have* been 88 days until the big event.]

I can't recall my high school days and not remember the time I got suspended, told that I must spend a day with this guy (Bud Getz, here seen in his '89 yearbook photo) as punishment in the special room up on the second floor of the Auditorium building near the guidance counselors (who were probably "on call" should there have been any emergency behavioral issues in that space), and across from Mr. Garvey's physics classroom (which was also my homeroom one year).

Why was I suspended?  After all, I was very fond of school ... and quite the good student, if I do say so myself.  But I was in a battle with my father's wife at the time, and, long story short, I was late enough often enough for the automatic rules to kick in to banish me to this environment.  I wish I could tell you that I had some kind of "The Breakfast Club" experience, but the reality is that it was uneventful and relatively quiet and I got a lot of school work done.  Plus ... my guidance counselor team pulled rank and "signed me out of suspension" for half of the day to go spend time in their career room, acting like a governor who dialed the red phone to stay an execution.

Which, of course, is the reason that this ended up a *fond* memory!

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