June 14, 2014

Random Soapbox for Saturday 6/14/14

I don't mean to go off on a rant here, but ...

... as predicted, the other shoe has dropped with regards to my Florida lifestyle.

To be fair, I'm still enjoying the heck out of the relocation.  And I'm surprised by the number of people at work who have seen me on a video camera and said, "My, my but Florida is treating you well" (I must work with a lot more Southern belles than I realized).  I'm not sure if it's the fact that I can do my remote working from the front porch patio table whilst "the boys" play in the yard, or how a little bit of sun brings out the 1/16 Native American in me and makes me glow, but all in all, it's still a very good thing for me to have become a Floridian.

Today I'm not talking about things on which I've already commented ... like the fact that I can't use my Chicago bank card in any way other than a debit that captures my pin because I live in areas designated for high fraud ... or the fact that any rise in sea level could make me rue the fact that I don't know how to swim ... or the fact that one needs to be the MOST defensive driver on the road and/or the MOST defensive walker on the sidewalk due to a general lacking of driving skills seen, well, *everywhere*.

Nope, the "other shoes" I'm referencing today are all personal ones ...

1.)  I don't think I've stopped scratching since my arrival.  And no it's not crabs (although I did have some of those at Joe's Shack the other week, and they were pretty delicious not counting for the fact that they are just too much work for too little morsels).  And no, Dolly L, it's not sand fleas (at least I hope not).  Nor is it real fleas (my puppies get bathed, thank you very much).  But I think my flip-flopped-feet and the ankles nearby them have some kind of allergy to what substitutes as grass in these parts.  And no I don't go barefoot, as my welcome packet of information collected from current Floridians included the command to *never* go barefoot in this state (see Sherry G ... I listen).

2.)  I can no longer wear my disposable contacts for any length of time.  At first, I thought I had switched brands (in Chicago, I could get away with the same pair for about two months, particularly since I only put them in when I was going driving in the day time and wearing sunglasses, or being social in da club or whatnot), but it turns out they are the same thing I used to have, except now, after a few hours, they are toast.  Not sure if it's the ever-present particles of sand or some kind of humidity that shrivels them while they are in my eyes ... but it's a particularly painful bit of misery with which I must deal, completely living up to their characterization of disposable as they do.

3.)  I'll just say it outright ... I have underboob sweat.  Mind you, I've lost poundage during the big move, but I did not experience this back home in Chitown.  Of course (and luckily so), it's very infrequently visible because I'm topless most hours of the day down here, but when I do have to put on a shirt (occasionally for those video calls with work, or again, when I'm out running errands of being social in da club), I'll be damned if my breasteses ... I mean my pecseses ... don't have a tendency to sweat through that which I'm wearing.

All that aside ... even though I'm a top-of-foot-itching, eye-rubbing, chest-sweating Florida fool, I'm still quite content and very happy to be where I am ...




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