August 14, 2013

Random Wordplay for Wednesday 8/14/13


[a wordplay example connected back to my] [original post in 2011 and used to effectuate a] [revival of my series of super-short sTROYies]

[NOTE:  this is not a work of fiction, but]
[is a script of a conversation I had yesterday]

Phone rings.  I answer.

ME:  This is Troy.

GIRL:  May I please speak to Mr. or Mrs. Neidermyer?

ME:  This is Troy.

GIRL:  Hi ... I'm just confirming the address you supplied recently ... are you at ... [correctly says my address to me]

ME:  Yep.

GIRL:  And to confirm, what's the zip code?

ME:  60613.

GIRL:  I'm calling to notify you that you have won a 2013 BMW, a Ferrari, $49,000 thousand in cash, a $1500 shopping spree or $500 in cash.

ME:  Wait a minute.  I'm won $49,000 and $500?  Why not just tell me that I won $49,500 at the same time?

GIRL:  Oh -- well, it's not both.  It's either or -- after you've viewed our property ...

ME:  Wait a minute -- before we continue, I need you to explain the disparity in the prizes.  I mean $49,000 and $500 are wildly different amounts.

GIRL:  It all depends on what you win after you've ...

ME:  Actually, I've made a decision.  I give it to you.

GIRL:  [Silence.]

ME:  You may have my prize.

GIRL:  I appreciate that, but ...

ME:  No buts ... I'm giving it to you.  Don't you watch Oprah?  I'm paying it forward.

GIRL:  I appreciate that, but I'm not allowed ... 

ME:  Oh no -- I insist!  If this call's being taped, I state publicly that I bequeath this gift to you.  It's yours -- I swear on my unborn child and consistent with whatever your lawyers say need to be signed.  It's yours.  I bet you'd look pretty in that BMW.

GIRL:  I appreciate that, but ...

ME:  You don't get it.  I want you to appreciate that BMW -- or, if it's only $500, then I want you to buy yourself a BMW matchbox and to enjoy the other $495 you'll have left over.

GIRL:  So ... you'll get your gift ...

ME:  No ... no ... don't go back to your script.  I'm not interested in that.  By the way, I have to hope that you are smart enough to know that I'm toying with you now -- and, as someone who is probably paid on commission, that means I'm actually taking money out of your pocket when I really don't have anything of value to offer you.  Does that sound like a familiar business model?

GIRL:  [Silence.]

ME:  Well -- you have a good day.

GIRL:  [quietly]  You too ...

And ... S C E N E!


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