July 23, 2013

Random Tune for Tuesday 7/23/13

It's time for me to again embrace the random.

My original intent for tonight was to find a tune that included the singer PitBull -- which I figured would be an easy task, as he's pop-ubiquitous right now -- but first I went looking for an image to use to accompany the post (thanks again, google, for providing images for us all to use and for informing us that copyrights *may* be attached to the photography you supply in your query results -- I hang my hat on the word "may" [and feel protected in that I don't monetize my blog posts]).

Doing an image search led me to find actual pit bulls "dancing", which led me to the youtube and a search there that turned up what ended up being my random tune for the night -- Torgny Melin's "I'm a Dansbander, Yes I Am" -- they are apparently a Swedish pop phenomenon (and now I have a second Swedish pop reference behind Abba should I have be quizzed to name any Swedish rockers).

Of course, all of this means that it's even more of a stretch to share my observation that PitBull always seems to be dancing like he's violently playing a game of dice (I'm not bein' a hater -- it's just an observation -- heaven knows that I'm guilty of only demonstrating my "rhythm" during DUIs [dancing under the influence]).

There you go -- I'm not sure I could get any more random than all that!


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