April 16, 2013

Random Tune for Tuesday 4/16/13

So since I started doing this in 2009, there's a good chance that this song was already chosen as a random tune.

Mostly because I first learned it in 3rd grade when our teacher would dim the lights and play it any time he got a headache and we'd have an impromptu music lesson (thanks Mr. Reigh), a story which I'm pretty sure I've told before.

And then recently, on PBS I saw the 25th anniversary special of Peter Paul and Mary and, I have to say, for hippies-of-a-certain-generation (which I know nothing about other than pop culture reference), they had a pretty funny act!  (Even if they did remind me of sitting around a church campfire with someone who had a guitar singing all kinds of songs that I kind of remember to this day).

Plus -- even though the song seems sad if you listen closely, it's on my mind for happy reasons, as my 12 day vacation (counting weekends) starts tomorrow (although the flight out of town isn't until early Thursday morning).  And, contrary to what this song says, I do know when I'll be back again -- after a bunch of drinking and sunning and other kinds of funning!


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