December 1, 2012

Bonus Post: Thing 20

100 Things I've Always Wanted To Say But Never Did And Now Maybe Should Since The World Might Be Ending -->

Thing 20:

File this under a desire to just go on the record about something ... but I sure do love decorating the Christmas tree each year.  And if the world really ends in 20 days, then this activity (which took over most of my day today) will have been the last time I will have gotten to do so.  I've stated it before in my writings, but I'm an expert reminisce-er and if you combine that with my apprentice hoarding skills (admitting is halfway toward being healthy), then it's no wonder that I enjoy the task  [If I had my druthers, I'd have a separate tree with ornaments a la the Hortons on Days of our Lives for each person who played some role in my life ... but I'm just not that crafty.]  Today I got to handle classic macrame ornaments that my mom's mom made years ago, various angels that were crafted by my own mom, the McDonald's apple pie Hallmark piece I got in the late 80's when I worked there, a beautiful see through medallion printed with "our first Christmas together" from the holidays in 1989 (my first with Wendy and Judy W), wooden bells that I brought back from Germany when I had my semester abroad, the 12 days of Christmas set that my sister Bonnie B gave many Christmases ago, memorial ornaments for those who have passed (like the 8 ball for DJ and the sugar cookie for JoAnne), the jingle bell that always hangs on the lowest bough to entertain the cats, the Cubs baseball item to commemorate my time in Chicago living so close to Wrigley and new (as of last year) -- the famous German pickle hidden within the tree (google it if you're confused).  Bottom line -- each and every item on the tree each year reminds me ... I am so blessed (a statement that gives great comfort as I prepare for the impending apocalypse).

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