December 2, 2012

Bonus Post: Thing 19

100 Things I've Always Wanted To Say But Never Did And Now Maybe Should Since The World Might Be Ending -->

Thing 19:

File this under love ya like a brother, man ... but Eric F, with just 19 days left before the end of the world (maybe) and absolutely no chance for me to make it back to PA before 12.21.12, I'm going to stop and think back about those carefree days at McDonalds when we all met (McPickle slices have amazing staying power on so many surfaces), or riding over to the BMX race track (behind the fairgrounds) or hanging out at the Plaza (when the Plaza actually had an internal space in which one could hang out).  But even more than those "good old days", I'm constantly reminded of the strength of our friendship [not just by the fact that I still have the item you acquired for me as my key chain some twenty years later], but because every time I do get back home, I always end up unwinding from the trip sitting around the bonfire in your backyard, having a bite to eat and a few beers while catching up with you and Kyle (and sometimes Jarrod when he's in town) about life and your families and work and about all kinds of other things.  And it doesn't matter how long I've been away ... we all just slip back into old times.  [P.S. -- I'm not just saying nice things out of guilt for breaking your gravity chair last year proving that IT has a weight limit -- and that, sadly, I do not OR because you donated so many items to my Batman collection on the last trip home ... but because those moments around the fire recharge my very soul.]  Here's to you (and yours)!

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