December 11, 2012

Bonus Post: Thing 10

100 Things I've Always Wanted To Say But Never Did And Now Maybe Should Since The World Might Be Ending -->

Thing 10:

File this under "hey -- remember when you changed my life"... but now that we're in the final stretch of the countdown to the end of the world (10 days!  that's just over 200 hours!), I want to be sure to thank Wendy W for what she did for me when I was a senior in high school.  When I finally ran away in March of 1989 (as a young 'un with a January birthday, I was still only 17 since I had started kindergarten a little earlier than many of my classmates), it was Wendy, who sat in front of me in English (and whom I had known throughout my school years), who heard of my plight (I had spent the first night at my best friend's house and the next week at the home of the one who was kind of my girlfriend at the time but was so unsure of what the future held), and who, out of nowhere, coordinated with her mother (more about her in just a few days) what was to become my new (or is that my "first") home.  And for those first few uncertain months and then throughout college and beyond (remember, I did so enjoy college that I turned it into a decade long project), it was an honor to have her so unselfishly accept me as a part of her family.  So besides saying how proud I am of her life path and her career work and her growing family, I also say, quite simply but quite "from the bottom of my heart"-ly ... thank you.

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