100 Things I've Always Wanted To Say But Never Did And Now Maybe Should Since The World Might Be Ending:
Thing 66:
File this under "look ma, I went and got myself a career" ... but if the economy collapses along with everything else in 66 days, I should probably stop and thank those who have shaped my work life once I became an adult. And why not take this opportunity on boss' day to thank the person who was my boss at Kaplan (my employer) for the longest period of time since I started in 04 (for all intents and purposes, in my eight years of work there, I'm basically up to six "bosses" -- the sixth one actually just coming into place starting yesterday). Matt R made sure that our location was fully focused on putting the customer (our students) first and he provided me the freedom to run the center like none other in Chicago (we were a competitive bunch and work was always enjoyable). If for nothing else -- he deserves my gratitude for putting up with me and my fickle plans to quit and cash in my 401k and start writing full time (I had bad timing, as shortly after making the announcement that I was leaving, the landlord in the first Chicago apartment announced that he was taking back his two-flat and I was to move within 30 days ...) -- which is a different time then when I actually quit a year later (for what turned out to be eight weeks until the Great Recession quickly quashed any plans there were to move out of town). For what were truly ... good times ... thanks!
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