May 9, 2012

Random Wordplay for Wednesday 5/9/12

Bacon Me Out at a Ball Game.

Used near the conclusion of my rambling for today:  "Far be it from me to be the one to state how I think major league baseball should be fixed, but I can get all kinds of behind more frequent incidences of KC Royals' Jeff Francouer's Bacon Tuesday.

It's that time of year again in my 'hood with games next door at Wrigley (I've lived within spitting distance of the field since 2008 -- well, more like within pissing distance, as there is pretty much a slightly better than 50/50 chance that you could leave the apartment building out of the back entrance and catch someone of either gender mid-stream {damn you Snooki and your ilk for making the alley squat hip again}), and attendance seems to be pretty light (although, admittedly, after our late February beach weather spell, it's been cold and/or rainy for most home games so far).

And to be clear -- our expectations have been set when it comes to the Cubs.  'This is just the first year of a three year plan and we should just be happy if we win a few games', we've been told across multiple media outlets.  'It's a building year', and 'we're playing toward the 2014 World Series'.

I'm just sayin' -- who cares about the controversial jumbotron proposal and the street-fair-every-gameday concepts that are currently being discussed ... start throwing $100-bill-balls into the stands with instructions to use the money to buy more beer and bacon like Jeff does.  To bastardize a seventh inning stretch song ... 'bacon me out at a ball game'.

Could you imagine if the whole 'hood smelled overwhelmingly like bacon during all home games ... the magnificent odor would cast its spell over the whole city, drawing in fans by the drove like in some pied piper of pig pieces fantasy.  I'm getting too excited to type ... I must go find me a Rickett and make a proposal!




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