January 28, 2012

Random Soapbox for Saturday 1/28/12

I don't mean to go off on a rant here, but ...

... leave Paula Deen alone.

In my opinion, she had already been picked on enough -- being called out as one of the most overrated celebrity chefs or as someone being disliked because she touched her food too much -- and now the diabetes bait and switch accusations are just too too much.

Look -- it's her right to work her brand and there is a substantial difference between a private and public self -- particularly when it comes to your personal health and what some now seem to demand that you are obligated to share. And for those who feel like they were hoodwinked into adding extra butter as they followed her recipes -- let's be clear -- Ms. Deen never forced you to do that. I've met very few dishes that I haven't enjoyed more by adding butter or bacon or cheese (after all, those are all products of farm animals, right, so they must be healthy?) -- and it's always been MY decision to do that. It's about personal accountability. For example, as a capitulation to my advancing age, it's now Country Crock I slather on my English muffin instead of butter.

To me, this latest incident of widespread indignation is part of a bigger problem of this all too easily indignant nation -- which is one of armchair ethicists who practice their moral philosophy from the safety of the social media. It seems like no one feels that their status update is presented within that proverbial glass house from which stones should not be thrown. Or that folks feel awfully comfortable tweeting about the speck in others' eyes and overlooking the plank in their own set of peepers. [By the way, I'm aware that there is an irony to me sitting here judging others who are sitting there judging others. But I'm right -- and they're wrong. So do as I say here, and not as I do, eh?]

Bottom line -- hey Paula -- "we-all" are sending our love and best dishes, from our kitchen to yours -- and "we-all" are also sending you best wishes to you to personally and privately address your disease (and if you choose to mix the two and strike a deal to promote a diabetes treatment aid, or to extend your cooking shows by offering a "healthy makeover" edition to one of your two boys, then more power to you). Oh -- and "we-all" are also sending out hopes for more personal accountability and less stick-your-nose-in-others'-business noisiness in the months ahead.



MATTHEW 7:5 ...:

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