August 7, 2010

Random Soapbox for Saturday 8/7/10

I don't mean to go off on a rant here, but ...

... when the emperor isn't wearing any clothes, I think we need more people to bloody say so.

For instance, I'm eagerly awaiting 2012 for the following reasons: we'll get to figure out if the Mayan calendar was built on a "flip over and repeat" system or if the skies will truly split asunder that May; we'll get to see an election where we might have a third party candidate place second in the presidential contest (if my prognostication is true that the Tea Party will serve to primarily split the Republican vote that year, and if so, it will be exactly 100 years since Teddy Roosevelt did it, the last time that feat was accomplished -- and being around for that day of voting assumes the skies haven't split asunder that May) and we'll get to see the Olympics in London (unless the skies have split asunder -- you get the idea).

So what specifically is my problem? The 2012 Olympic mascots were announced, and the only thing keeping them from looking even more like a spermatozoa sample is the fact that they have two legs instead of a tail. And these cute-n-cuddlies are supposed to be for children! Where's the my-Teletubby-carries-a-purse type outcry? People are going to be buying tons of merchandise with British sperm splashed across them! Somebody join me in saying something!

HERE'S THE MONEY SHOT OF THE CREEPY MASCOTS (my apologies for the pun):



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