In honor of the return of Jersey Shore to MTV this upcoming week, here's a twenty year old shot of my summer trip to Ocean City (although, it was probably MD and not NJ). I can guarantee you that I did not have a GTL routine that honored my heritage. After all, what would speak to the Prussian/Native American/English in my background? Is there a beach activity that combines world domination, a communion with nature and a dry British humor? Maybe I could take over other peoples' sand castles, call on the water spirits to destroy them and then attempt to turn it into a Monty Python skit? And, while I'm on a tangent, who's going to be the first to do a mash-up of True Blood and Jersey Shore. Can't you see vampire Bill bellowing for Snooki? Or the new werewolf pack being led by the Situation? Surely HBO would come up with a scene or two featuring J-Wow's bosoms ... but I digress. I'll blame it on Lost, but somehow my flashback became a flashforward of sorts. I'll go to bed before I flash sideways ...
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