November 8, 2016

Random Tune for Tuesday 11/8/16

You might have heard ... but there was an election today.

As I sit here and watch the results trickle in, and as I reflect on the contentious season we've lived through ... and that we somehow managed to survive ... and as I hope that it comes to a definitive end ... and as I fear that leadership based on the tenets of compromise and consensus building will never be in vogue again ...

I still believe in my heart of hearts -- despite what my mind of minds may conclude -- that when we harness our collective spirits and when we focus our united efforts, we're the best there is.

So long as we remember that this land is yours AND mine, regardless of for whom we voted, and so long as we don't let the best of us slip away (as Bruce says in his intro to the song below), we will solve our problems and we will do it by coming together.

I still believe.  And I need you to as well.  The fog is lifting folks ... hang in there ... and then get involved and be a part of the process for the better.


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