November 19, 2016

Random Soapbox for Saturday 11/19/16

I don't mean to go off on a rave here, but ...

... that's *exactly* what I'm going to do.

And not just for one Saturday out of the month like I normally do to balance out all the other weeks when I rant, but seeing as how it is November and all, I'm going to rave every week of the month in order to honor this season of gratitude.

Over on the Facebook, I'm doing it daily ... and on Saturdays, I'll compile my thoughts for the week so that they are recorded for the blog -- because thankful people are happy people.  To whit:

NOV 13 -- Today, I am THANKFUL for CHRIS HARDWICK ... mind you -- I'm old enough to know him from when he got sexually harassed by Jenny McCarthy on a daily basis on the MTV ... but now that he's all grown up and leading the discussions after horrendous Walking Dead episodes of late, he's helping America deal with loss and uncertain times and the fear of hateful people in charge of crazy weapons. Come to think of it, why didn't they give him a Talking Election special?

NOV 14 -- Today, I am THANKFUL for CHRISTMAS LIGHTS IN FLORIDA ... and especially for the three houses all lit up I saw tonight running an after work errand (now "after work" is in the dark, since it's after the daylight savings changes). Not everyone decorates down here ... and some people just put a string of white lights up a palm tree and call it a day ... so I will admit that seeing a few places all bright and colorful made me smile.

NOV 15 --  Today, I am THANKFUL for ELECTRICITY ... because around here, it can come and go at FPL's whim. They finally permanently fixed the suicidal squirrels problem from a month ago that was causing multiple outages each week on just our block ... and today a little rain storm took the power out for some 2000 people for an hour or two. But it's back on now, and so, especially during this time of year, it's better to appreciate that fact than dwell on the other times ...

NOV 16 -- Today, I am THANKFUL for PAINKILLERS ... with a trip to the dentist scheduled for tomorrow, the toothache decided to amp itself up a day early. And I was going to be thankful for Aleve for its magical powers, and then I found the oxycodone-acetaminophen in the medicine cabinet ... so now I'm really really thankful (and slightly loopier than usual).

NOV 17 -- Today, I am THANKFUL for PUBLIX ... because after a trip there this evening, *almost* everything needed for two of three Thanksgiving meals (more to come on that) is purchased and in the freezer and the fridge and the pantry -- everything except the Patti Labelle Sweet Potato Pie, which is apparently only available at the WalMart.

NOV 18 -- Today, I am THANKFUL for FRIDAYS ... because I haven't worked on Saturdays or Sundays for years now, and so when they come around, it is indeed the weekend! And who doesn't like the weekend (except maybe those who have to work it)?!

NOV 19 -- Today, I am THANKFUL for A MIND THAT NEVER FORGETS ... because buildings may burn ... but memories are forever -- especially after they get up on the Facebook (which will be on Monday). Last night, the McDonald's in my hometown (where I worked when I was a young 'un) burned down. Today, I returned from my morning walk and jotted down 60+ memories from that time. They'll be presented on my blog in two days for Memorial Monday, 'cause that's what I do.




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