November 18, 2016

Random Flashback for Friday 11/18/16

Twenty years ago ... around Thanksgiving in 1996 ... I was actually setting foot inside Florida for the first time ever in my life.  (Of course, now I live here, and I set both feet in Florida all the time).

The reason?  I was paying a holiday visit to the person who took this picture of me in the ocean near Cape Canaveral after seeing the space shuttle display there (it *was* 1996 as I said), after collecting some sand and shells (that I think I actually have still somewhere), and after dodging jellyfish that had washed up on the beach (so as not to get stung).

This beach activity was actually a day trip away from Orlando, where Holly and Jym A lived ... and where Holly gave me a tour of the studio at the America Health Network where she worked.  So yes, it was high school classmate Holly with whom I was spending a long weekend two decades ago.  (And no, this wasn't Holly's camera, but my old pre-digital one with the orange glow showing up on shot after shot -- unknown until I get the film developed, because that was the technology in 1996).

Good times ... and a reminder that we have to get together again soon what with living in the same state and take some 20 years later pics (although I may never be *that* skinny again)!

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