November 17, 2016

How to Prepare for a Trump "Presidency": A Twelve Part Primer (Part 6)


No fear.  Concrete plans with action steps so individuals can focus.  Specific items to help you best be prepared for life post 1.20.17.  Action verbs and goals ... also known as ... 
a twelve part primer on how to prepare for a Trump "Presidency".

Already shared ...

PART ONE:  Learn how to scale a wall
PART TWO:  Subscribe to 'The Crusader'
PART THREE:  Max out your credit cards (quickly)
PART FOUR:  Find the nearest fallout shelter
PART FIVE:  Renovate your closet

And tonight ...

PART SIX:  Study French AND Russian (for slightly different reasons)

Bone up on your French.  

Not the language ... but the period of time when France was occupied by the Axis powers and how some individuals "knowingly engaged in collaboration" with them, whether driven by "nationalism, ethnic hatred ... anti-Semitism or opportunism" (quotes from the Wiki).  It is suggested that you educate yourself so that you can recognize this behavior in others.

After all, the cabinet and other key roles in a "nation under Trump" will be announced shortly, if you know what I mean.

ALSO ... bone up on your Russian.

When I was little (which was the 80's), there was a fear that a surging Japan was buying up too many classically American businesses and real estate, and that we were at risk of being colonized by them.  There's a lot of oligarchy funds and a budding relationship with Putin where the same thing might happen in the months ahead with what's left of the USSR, which would be an interesting coda to the Cold War finale.

Plus, let's face it ... that budding relationship is all but destined to be a nasty break up eventually (over Twitter no doubt), and so there's no telling how that incident will play out in our daily lives and which one of them will get custody of the kids (the rest of us Americans).  

A final note ... if they can read your emails (and we know that they are already doing that), it's only fair play for you to increase your language skills to the point where you can read theirs.  




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