November 11, 2016

Random Flashback for Friday 11/11/16

Tonight's theme for the 23rd batch of photos of my father's that I inherited when he passed is "rare Ralph".  Interestingly enough, this whole concept first crossed my mind about a year ago when I posted a mini-collection of his WWII shots for veteran's day 2015.  Recently, I found a folder full of family history research that I had done in college, and these rarely seen photos of him were in with that paperwork.  Again, they seem to prove that we are genetically connected, and also that whereas my go-to outfit is a wife-beater, Ralph's was clearly a white t-shirt (as seen in almost every picture):

#111:  Ralph somewhere flooded, possibly in his WWII uniform
#112:  Ralph eating watermelon (a family tradition of ours), with "July 29" written on it
#113:  Ralph on the ball field at a picnic, with "July 29" written on it as well
#114:  Ralph in a jeep at "Allen's camp" from "June 1966"
#115:  Ralph in the woods from "June 1966" (likely also at Allen's camp)

ALSO:  Any family members know if my middle name of Allen is in honor of whomever this guy was who had a camp?

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