October 2, 2016

L V C || C L Memory 5

In ONLY 5 days,  I'll be back on campus at my alma-mater at an extra special homecoming as Lebanon Valley College continues celebrating its 150th birthday.  In honor of that countdown, here's memory #5:  the STAFF of  LVC ...

I saved something special for the final entries ... and tonight it's about remembering those staff members who influenced me the most.  Unlike the last few nights of entries, they are people instead of experiences, so they can't possibly be ranked ... which means they'll be presented in alphabetical order by first name.

Although all of them have been mentioned before in this countdown, their importance to my personal development during my decade (ish) of my undergrad means they deserve a second shout-out:

Alice Kohr for her laughs from behind the college center desk,

Greg Stanson for his natural way of making me feel like he would do anything to get me admitted as if I was the most important person to be accepted to LVC that year,

Jenn Evans for her guidance and her accommodating efforts to my crazy schedule as one of my many work study employers,

John Synodinus for his classiness and for his encouragement of my theatrical career in all those student-led productions, AND

Roz Kujovksy for her support in so many ways -- as employer, as spiritual guide, as chauffeur for a bit, as landlady of sorts -- as a person who believed in the power of demonstrating how much she cared for my success.

Some staff went to work for a paycheck ... but others saw their "work" as making investments in individuals (and therefore the future).  I am so grateful for these five that belonged to the latter group!

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