September 22, 2016

L V C || C L Memory 15

In ONLY 15 days, I'll be back on campus at my alma-mater at an extra special homecoming as Lebanon Valley College continues celebrating its 150th birthday.  In honor of that countdown, here's memory #15:  the mysterious murder quests (vol. I, II, III and IV).

During my time away between my junior and senior LVC years doing theatre in my cousin's company in western PA and OH, I was cast in several of his audience participation murder mysteries.  When I split from his company, I decided to take his concept (a show where the audience picks cast members to follow throughout the night, which means no one person sees everything that happens) and turn it up a notch.

Nearly a dozen full length plays later -- most of them set in my fictional town of Winston Falls, and many of them featuring interconnected repeating characters -- these were put on all across campus every other month throughout the end of my time in college.

I can't possibly thank everyone who assisted ... but Andy P, Brad H and Jon M were always supportive behind the scenes (and very occasionally IN a scene), Kristi H made it a point to see every single show, and lots of my fellow thespians and great friends had a role (or multiple roles) ... Brandon F, Brigette C, Erik S, Greg B, Joel F, Karen H, Kevin P, Kyle R, Kym H, Lisa E, Lissa S, Phil H, Rich G, Steph A, Suzanne W and Wayne K.  I know I'm missing some folks (my apologies if it's you!) ... but there's just so much to remember.  Hmmmm ... maybe these deserve a countdown of their own ...

Until then, here's to 'On Bullies, Bullets and Best Friends', ''Til Death Us Do Part', 'Holly, Hemlock and Mistletoe', 'Rendezvous with Revenge', 'Dreading the Last Dance', 'Too Many Cooks Poison the Broth', 'Guilty as Charged', 'Indecision', 'You'll Figure it Out', 'Revival' and 'Haven?' ... and here's to the gun that was featured in each and every show.

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