July 24, 2016

Random Scandal Sheet for Sunday 7/24/16

What southern Florida is talking about this week:

... whatever's going to happen up there in Philadelphia.

Let's face it -- if the primary debates showed us nothing else, they put us on notice that it's going to be a bit more boring than what just wrapped for the other side of the aisle.  Trump just can't be trumped, when it comes to entertainment value.

Despite being wrong last week when I said the same thing about the other city, I'm going to go ahead and predicted that there WILL be violence.  Hopefully I'll be as wrong as I was about Cleveland, but it is the city that booed Santa Claus, so it has none of that midwest sensibility that might keep things in check.  I'm just saying that for a city of brotherly love, I'm not so certain that "polite" would be the answer in a Philly word association game.

I can also confirm that there WILL be protests (which will likely be the impetus for that predicted violence).  Attention Philly and all places downwind of the city -- get ready for this -- but it appears one of the approved protests is a fart-in.  I can't make this stuff up -- someone is going to feed people beans on the last night of the convention with the goal of suffocating the city with flatulence to draw a parallel to what is happening in the nominating hall.  Now I know from experience that the state knows how to handle a drifting nuclear cloud (courtesy of ThreeMileIsland) ... but that is some next level Batman villain stuff about to go down right there.

Moving past that threatened toxic cevent, and assuming the legislature acted on its proposal, there WILL be noncompliance with last call at certain establishments that applied for a special DNC license to sell alcohol beyond 2am -- because politics and alcohol and protests mix well, I'm guessing.

And finally, there WILL be security.  I'm assuming the majority of it will be for Debbie Wasserman Schulz -- if she shows up -- because some Sanders supporters are still pissed.  (See predictions of violence above.)

You've been warned that things may get a little rocky (see what I did there?), but I'll be right there with you the whole time (from a safe distance down here in southern Florida of course) ... and ... here ... we ... go!




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