July 25, 2016

L V C || C L Memory 74

In 74 days, I'll be back on campus at my alma-mater at an extra special homecoming as Lebanon Valley College continues celebrating its 150th birthday.  In honor of that countdown, here's memory #74:  the middle two plays in the student production of the evening called 'Through a Shattered Looking Glass' in October 1991.

It was the avant-garde section of the evening, with 'It' and 'Do'.  Yep, those were the names:  'It' and 'Do'.  In the first, John B had to search for "it" amidst some angry townspeople (including Tara K, Stacy G and Rachel M and a host of others) ... without knowing what "it" was -- without him EVER knowing what "it" was (although a broken glow in the dark crucifix might have held a clue at the end).  And in the second, Brigette C and Stacy G engaged in a very heated conversation about who was going to "do" something.  And it got even more heated the one night the prop gun didn't work ... but that's between Brigette and Stacy and the emergency room.

(Note:  there would be a second show of mine a few years later that would end with a female headed to the ER ... but that's another memory for a different day.)

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