March 13, 2016

Random Scandal Sheet for Sunday 3/13/16

What southern Florida is talking about this week:

Tuesday's vote.

I've said it before ... one of the reasons I was looking forward to the big move to Florida was that it is a contested state in most elections, and after having lived in Chicago for nearly a dozen years where the outcome of voting was pretty much a foregone conclusion (note:  those of you in Illinois should still vote, of course), it was going to be more fulfilling to be somewhere where a vote felt more consequential.

And now it's Florida's turn.

Since it has a closed primary, one can only vote the ballot for one's registered party affiliation.  After weighing the options, I am prepared to officially endorse KASICH for those with a red ballot (despite his decision to not actively campaign here) and CLINTON for those with a blue ballot (despite the Bern surge happening elsewhere).  I am fully aware that Ohio can't quite be the shangri-la that Kasich portrays and that Clinton brings so much baggage with her that the White House would need an addition to be built ... but I stand by my decisions.

Ultimately, I refuse to give up my belief that true leadership is about being able to compromise and about being able to know how to get things done -- not commitments designed to create intractability or actions that would guarantee continued gridlock or ideas so grandiose that they could never be implemented in the governmental framework that is currently in place.  In the political arena, I support evolution more than revolution ... and I think it wrong that so much of the discussion and the debate has been looking backwards (hashing and re-hashing and hashtagging the past) instead of planning for the future.  I am not naive to the fact that I have to accept that the upcoming election may be more about voting against someone instead of for someone ... but I have not yet given up on the process SO LONG AS individuals participate (apathy is the catalyst for anarchy).  And I define participation as more than just showing up at a rally or filling up a Facebook feed or regurgitating the talking points being force fed to viewers on the 24 hour news channels ... I define participation as going to the ballot box and placing a damn vote.

Which is what I'll do on Tuesday ... and by the way -- I am Troy and I support this message.




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