May 23, 2015

Random Soapbox for Saturday 5/23/15

I don't mean to go off on a rave here, but ...

[remember, the doctor said one rave a month instead of always ranting is best for my health so I'm not angry all the time ...]

... there's no wonder why The Amazing Race is as Emmy-loved as it is, what with season 26 just wrapping up yet another ... well ... amazing race.

Once upon a time, I used to comment on this blog on every single leg along the way, and then along came on-demand and binge watching, which meant I was more likely to catch up on the show at a later time and often with multiple episodes at once. Of course, as the popularity of the show has waned, so has the likelihood that I'd stumble on a spoiler via social media or the like so the viewing urgency faded away as well (as yet another example of that, I was able to watch the American Idol finale more than a week after it aired, and I still didn't know how it ended so I was surprised... which would have been impossible a few seasons ago).

I can't say that I've watched every season of the Race from the start (truth be told, it was actually my affinity for all things Bonnie Hunt and *her* linking up with the show promotionally during her eponymous talk show [speaking of which, where has *she* been?] that got me interested) ... but I have been a faithful and loyal viewer once I got started.

So three cheers to this season, which introduced the blind date concept (and which created a first for me ... where I found myself hoping that half of one of those paired teams would go home yet wanting the other half to stay [yes, Blair and Hayley, I'm talking about you!]) and which continued its ways of proving that karma exists AND which provided the ongoing service of travelling-vicariously to those of us who just don't get out of the United States so much any more *AND* which demonstrated a truism first made widely known on this show ... namely, that it all comes down to the luck of the draw of your cabbie (and that the language barrier here at home in those scenarios is often *worse* than when in a foreign country).

Here's looking ahead to next year's races!




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