September 16, 2014

Bonus Post: Fond Memory 6 (LHS Quadranscentennial Celebration Edition)

Fond Memory 6
on this, the Quadranscentennial Celebration of 
my Lebanon High School Graduation: 

With only approximately 24 more days to go until the big event when a good number of us from my high school class will assemble in my hometown of Lebanon (I'm posting a day late, so it's officially 23 ... but hey, the point is it's really really really soon), it's time for fond memory 6 ... of, appropriately enough,  the High School Assembly.

It's true that any of them from the four years of school would work if I was highlighting the amazing orderliness of our assemblage (such good soldiers we were, marching through the hallways and sitting in our homerooms) ... or how your ability to misbehave was directly proportional to how close you were seated to the teacher chaperon (and how it seemed that assembly duty was a commodity traded in the black market of the teacher lounge) ... but I actually have one specific gathering in mind.

And that would be the time the hypnotist visited and put a few classmates under his spell (which, come to think of it in modern times, seems like a recipe for a lawsuit).  One of those classmates was also my friend whose name guaranteed that we shared homeroom together all the time ... and she was hypnotized to stuff something akin to monopoly money in her shirt .... and then at a later time, when some word was said, that monopoly money was supposed to feel like ice cubes.  Sure enough, it worked as predicted, and said classmate jumped to her feet in surprise and let out a small scream and shook her shirt until the "ice" paper fell out.  I was *this* close to posting a picture of Rose M with hypnotized eyes, but decided at the last minute that that wouldn't be polite to put on the internet.

How can it be?  Only 5 more memories in this countdown (the next one to be posted on this Sat the 20th)!

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