April 27, 2014

Random Scandal Sheet for Sunday 4/27/14

What southern Florida is talking about this week:


This will *not* be a post about boys in locker rooms -- that's sword fighting.

This will *not* be a post about adding new pets to the menagerie.

This *may* be a post taking a hard line stance based on the fact that my ancestors put a major hurt on a lot of chickens (at the farmers' market, in a restaurant, at family gatherings, in the poultry processing plant ... and they were all delicious, each and every one of them).

This *will* be a post that actually (and sadly) is applicable to other locales, as a quick google search for an image demonstrates (see links below).

This *is* a post about a big ring that got busted outside of Miami this week, resulting in hundreds of arrests and major fines for animal cruelty, naturally, but also for serving liquor without a license and for illegal gambling.

And it's created an interesting reaction.  Those arrested claim as a defense that "it's part of our culture" and that they should be allowed to practice it -- which sounds eerily familiar to the excuse given for dog fighting in rural communities in the deep south -- an unpalatable one in both scenarios, in my opinion.

To be clear, I'm not overly Fox-newsy-hard-core about the immigrant experience as I happen to know the name of the boat on which my father's people arrived ... and I'm pretty sure my mother's folks came after them ... but I file this in the "welcome to our country ... where you don't slaughter goats in your back yard ... or watch roosters peck each other to death for 'sport'".




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