December 31, 2013

Random Tune for Tuesday 12/31/13

It's bound to happen.

After all, this is the fifth December since I started posting back in 2009.  No matter how much I try to keep the content all original, that's a lot of content.

Courtesy of the powerful google search on my blog, I can even pinpoint when I first heard tonight song -- on or about April 27, 2010, courtesy of American Idol.  Back then, it was part of my "tune therapy" series, when I was gently mocking a less than stellar group of contestants by offering up better versions of what they had sung on the show the week before.

Regardless, I said back then ... "I now have a new annual song to play every New Year's Eve (my most favorite holiday of the year)".  Well -- here we are.  It is indeed my most favorite holiday of the year -- there's just something I enjoy about putting to rest all that has happened before (to resurface on Flashback Friday's in 2033, Zuckerberg willing, of course) and starting with a clean slate eager for whatever new opportunities may lie ahead.  I've reached the age where every year is a good year (so long as I end it alive and breathing [so *this* is what mid-life feels like]), and with the big move to Florida happening so soon, I'm even more excited than I usually am what's to come -- in 2014.

So, in the words of the Dolls known for their Goo-Goo ... "tonight's the night the world begins again".  Here's hoping that world for you and yours holds only the best!  Happy New Year!!


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