March 23, 2013

Random Soapbox for Saturday 3/23/13

I don't mean to go off on a rant here, but ...

... I had fully intended to devote my weekly diatribe to those darn televisions that popped up on gas pumps.  I mean I've said before that I'm a TV addict, but I don't think they need to be absolutely everywhere.  (Although the year they added them to the lines at Hersheypark -- that innovation I did agree with, except they stopped using them not that long after installation.)  Full disclosure -- I'm just bitter because I got wrapped up in watching one the other day and inadvertently filled up the tank instead of stopping at $20 as I had intended.

But then along came Rihanna and her dickish move yesterday here in Chicago.  (That word's not gender specific, right?  One can be dickish even if one doesn't have that appendage, no?)  And I'm not talking about her questionable behavior returning to her abuser (I know love is a strange emotion that leads many to strange actions), but the fact that she showed up 4-5 hours late to greet the students at a suburb school who had won a contest she sponsored.  Perhaps getting off "island time" is a hard thing to do or maintaining an "I don't care about you" attitude perpetuates the hard image she's trying to cultivate, but no matter which defense you try to offer -- rude is just rude.

Not to be lost in the story -- these students won said contest which was about submitting a video of their volunteer efforts.  So instead of suggesting that Chicago have another record burning event like the Disco Demolition at Comiskey in '79 (although with digital music being so prevalent, I'm not even sure reviving that event would be possible), let's just focus on all the good that those students did (which included "assisting tornado victims in Joplin, MO, and Native Americans who live on a reservation in SD", as described in the first article below).  So shame on your Rihanna (your paramour's general jack-douchery is apparently rubbing off on you -- so stay away from Frank Ocean in bars) and bully (in the good old fashioned Teddy Roosevelt sense of the word, not the modern day epidemic ever present in school society) bully for Barrington high school students and their charitable work.




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