February 15, 2013

Random Flashback for Friday 2/15/13

Did I mention that I used to work for Hills Department Store just over 20 years ago?

Did I mention that I have a thing for the Batman that started back when I was wee one but got re-sparked when the movies started up again in the late 80's?

Did I mention that I had my first (non-dormitory) apartment back in 1993 when I was interning in Uniontown PA?

This photo is basically the combination of all those "mentions" -- as the large cardboard display items that once hung over the "Batman shop" at the Hills where I worked became the focal point of "baby's first interior design".

To anyone who has visited any of the seven domiciles I've had since then (three in Lebanon, one in Harrisburg and three in Chicago -- what a nomad am I!), they should look familiar (although they no longer are in that condition -- I mean there wasn't a Ziploc baggie big enough to put them in a la a comic book ...).  And eagle-eyed frequent visitors will see nods to my trip to Germany and my time working for McDonald's in my grandmother's curio cabinet -- plus the very beginnings of my penguin collection (that's now grown to hundreds from this dozen or so -- who knew, they multiply like rabbits?)

And yes -- that's a collection of VCR tapes.  I am that old.

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