What Chicago is talking about this week:
Sometimes checking out the news on Sunday mornings is just too depressing (shootings, stabbings and now a string of fires like we're Detroit or something?) or just too eye-opening (wait -- Timbuktu is a really place? and it's now a hotspot in the worldwide war on terror?), and so it's important to go looking for good news somewhere in this big city.
And, thanks to the Facebook, it's now easier than ever before to find Chicago news that is worth talking about in the week ahead (and before you get confused, there's no scandal here ["scandal sheet" is just used by me as a stand-in for "news" each week, as it's an old-timey substitute for "newspaper" that I conscripted for my blogging construct]) -- and I've found just such newsworthy nuggets -- local talent doing well, making it big and being extremely worth you taking a moment to become more familiar with them.
First up -- read Amy L, a voice for this generation (with a decidedly Chitown "accent", as she herself states) on her blog Scribbling of Thoughts, found on ChicagoNow (at the link below). I had the pleasure of working with Amy a few years back in my company's local office ... but now I know that the true pleasure comes from getting to know her all over again through her writing. And what you read on her blog may be firmly grounded in this geographical area, but the subject matter transcends any artificial boundaries -- and the heart she pores into her posts is something this world needs more of. Check her out ... and let her words inspire you ...
But that's not all to talk about in Chicago this week -- hear Jenny Dragon, another voice for this generation, as they celebrate the release of their "rootsy debut album 'A Fair Souvenir'" on TH Jan 31 at Martyrs' here in Chicago. (See more details on their website at the link below.) I met some of the Dragons (Sarah G and Brian S) at work a few years back (dude -- I'm tellin' you -- the company for which I've worked since 2004 attracts the. most. talented. people. ever!) ... but they made me a true fan of what they describe as category-defying music that "dabbles in a nostalgia that combines jazz, blues, country, folk, doo-wop and rock ... to best serve the story of a song" when I got to see them live last March. Check them out ... and let their music inspire you ...
JENNY DRAGON, in their own words:
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