November 13, 2012

Bonus Post: Thing 38

100 Things I've Always Wanted To Say But Never Did And Now Maybe Should Since The World Might Be Ending -->

Thing 38:

File this under confessions ... but I probably should have done a better job of setting expectations about this bonus series before I started posting it sixty-two days ago.  In the spirit of "better late than never", and with "never" (allegedly) approaching in just 38 days, please note:  

1.)  I am 95% sure that the world is not ending.  The other 5% of me is intrigued by the "science" behind the notion that maybe the earth's magnetic poles will switch (you know, something that would cause superstorms to suddenly turn left instead of right, for example) or that we'll have a man-made disaster that was simply "foretold" (note to self -- no travelling to the Middle East for the next year or so, as I'd rather not be present for Armageddon).  But let's face it -- even with my bets hedged, I am fully expecting that the 22nd of December will be much like the 21st (with the difference being that the 21st will be a workday and that the 22nd will be a day when I'll likely have a hangover after a Friday night end-of-world  bar crawl). 

2.)  My list will not get to include everyone who has impacted my life.  Since my blog and my Facebook are intertwined (thanks again Mark Zuckerberg for providing me with a captive audience of sorts), I'm leaning toward referencing those that are in my FB friends list.  Just mentioning that fact in the spirit of full disclosure.

3.)  For those that did make the list, please know that placement on it is not correlative to "importance in my life"*.  I let the creative muse determine what gets posted when -- and certain calendar days or numbers on the list just make sense for certain topics (i.e.  Thing 69).  So Thing 94 should not think that it is any more or less important to me than Thing 57.  *The exception will be the top 10.  I am saving those days for "special" entries.

4.)  I'm allowing the end of the world craze to serve as a spark for my creativity.  And if, in the process, I get to say things to people that I may have thought but never had taken the time to say before, then I see that as a win-win (unless you are one of the three "I was waiting to urinate on your grave" posts as that's more of a win-lose).  By the way -- if you take away nothing else (and I don't care from where it is you draw your inspiration) -- I hope that one of these one hundred maybe makes you stop and think and say a long overdue something to someone in your life.  Because life is much shorter than you may think ... and humanity withers or thrives based on whether we keep our connections one to another.

Now -- where's my bug-out bag?  [Note:  that's a joke.  I do not have a bug-out bag ... well, at least not yet.  Check in with me in 30 more days.]

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