October 12, 2012

Bonus Post: Thing 70

100 Things I've Always Wanted To Say But Never Did And Now Maybe Should Since The World Might Be Ending:

Thing 70:

File this under things I miss most about the 18 months I lived in Uniontown ... but if I only have 70 more days left in this modern world to reminisce, then I'm going to pause and remember those months I was employed at the Cherry Tree Cafe.  I'm not even sure that it has the same owners any more, and I understand that there have been more than a few deaths of folks who worked there in 92-93 (rest in peace Bev and Yvonne and Barb and more?!?), but it doesn't take much at all for me to close my eyes and remember Bev's gnocchi or chicken and biscuits (Tuesday nights, right?) and the giant steak salads that Scott "Thunder" George used to make with the french fries meticulously placed side by side all around the oval dish like soldiers at attention guarding the goodies inside (which were definitely more steak than salad) or Olive's homemade pies.  Not to mention the regular customers (who hooked me up on a prom date when I was 21 -- my last prom, sigh) and the co-workers (who helped me embrace my age of 21 with lots of drinking -- and who let me tag along to HS senior year activities -- which also involved lots of drinking).  Something I found recently -- the phone number list I created that was at the front counter that included everyone's "nicknames".  Makes it all seem like just yesterday!

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