100 Things I've Always Wanted To Say But Never Did And Now Maybe Should Since The World Might Be Ending:
Thing 67:
File this under long overdue thanks ... but I don't want to leave this earth in 67 days (maybe ...) without saying thanks to Mrs. K, who helped make my high school years so special. I'm not even sure how it all started, I just know that chances were I'd be in your office instead of in homeroom, or study hall or last period -- and I'll never forget how you let me store my things in your office once I got scared the "evil stepmother" was discarding my personal items at home. It was such an elaborate scheme -- I carried them out to the trash, and a friend swung by in the morning to pick up my box of goodies, which I then kept in your office until I got out of that living arrangement. I didn't act quickly enough to save my electronic dungeons and dragons game (which maybe I had to throw out because it was "of the devil", but more than likely I had to get rid of because my bio-mom bought it for me) ... but I did get to save my junior high awards and other things that were dear to me. Your laugh lit up the room and made any problems of mine go away -- and I thank you for the extra attention you gave me during those years.
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