I don't mean to go off on a rant here, but ...
... I think it's time to turn the bullying conversation to a different direction if it is going to survive as a true movement. And don't get it twisted -- I think it is exactly the type of thing that needs attention drawn to it -- I just think that it is more realistic to reflect and to take action a little more inwardly. After all, taking on the bullies too strongly actually turns you into a bully in a way.
Example -- the MPAA ruling that the new documentary "Bully" has to keep its R rating because of six or seven references of "for unlawful carnal knowledge" -- thus robbing today's youth who need to see this most. But here are my problems with this -- Weinstein (an alleged industry bully of epic proportions) is producing the film, and the kerfuffle portrays MPAA as a bully for not caving in to his demands ... but the creative team had the option of bleeping the offending words and chose not to. So who's bullying whom? And isn't the real message at risk of getting lost?
So what am I saying exactly? More that I think, as hard as we try, bullying will not be eradicated. Kids will be kids and they will exhibit the basest behavior as they develop personalities. Looking back at that sentence, I have to immediately follow up with a note that this is NOT an excuse for that behavior -- but is instead a call to action for those adults who observe or who come to learn of the situation. Kids being kids tend to mimic what they pick up from those in authority that they are all always watching -- and sometimes the things that get imprinted the most in their minds are the things that are NOT said.
In addition, I think that we all owe the world a little more embracing of individuality and encouraging for all to explore their unique paths in life. If we could find the sweet spot of not caring about what others think (without losing the truth that we should still care about others) -- I'd think we'd all be in a better place.
Admittedly, I do not come from a background of having been overtly bullied (I can remember two distinct instances -- one on the elementary school playground and one on the dance floor of my first college dance). Having always been an unusual child (and still being an unusual adult, if truth be told) ... I recognize that I may have been shielded from the brunt of this kind of activity because my socialization was delayed (I was just trying to survive the stepmother after all) ... but I also think that I had the support system to get me actualized and comfortable with myself.
In closing, and I apologize in advance for getting all Michael Jackson up in here ... but, with this too, I think it starts more with the person in the mirror (I went gender neutral there to not leave out any groups). Stop bullying ... but do so by making sure that you stand up in situations and that you strive to put this world into a more accepting mindset. And if you don't, I'm going to keep on picking on you until you do. [Wait a minute ...]
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