January 4, 2012

Random Wordplay for Wednesday 1/4/12

Mountaha! Match it! Rrrroundy's!

Used in a sentence: "As I address the last couple dozen hours of my thirties with plenty of time to rest and relax and reflect on vacation (I safely arrived in Florida, and somehow managed to bring Chicago weather with me like the dust cloud on that dirty kid from Peanuts) ... I recognize that I may be on the edge of some minor OCD episodes: namely in that I must, in some bizarre call-response behavior pattern, yell out 'Mountaha! Match it! Rrrroundy's' upon hearing or seeing those references."

Explained further: It started with watching the contestant Mountaha on one of those reality shows. Every time her name was mentioned, I felt obligated to repeat that name -- which became a torture of sorts once my close family found out about this compulsion. And then the Walmart commercials began this season with a cast of characters who yelled from every corner of the Wal-world to go ahead and handle the price match situation with a shout-out to "Match It!". Again, compulsion quickly kicked in and I had to join in the retail roundelay every time I heard the ad.

And speaking of roundelays, I recently became aware of the latest fixation -- the "generic" brand at my new grocery store Mariano's is called Roundy's. And, while shopping (or, heaven forbid, when I see the product on my own pantry shelves), I roll my r's and trill a little tribute to "Rrrroundy's"!

Hey -- I'm getting older. If I haven't embraced my own quirks by now, I'm running out of time. Bring on the mild Tourette's/OCD -- let's just keep it limited and clean!




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