November 29, 2011

Random Tune for Tuesday 11/29/11

2011 is rapidly drawing to a close, which brings me to the letter X in my year long series -- except that it turns out I don't have any artists with the letter X in my cassette collection (sorry Kandi Burress -- I just wasn't aware of your former group in the 80's and 90's when I was enrolled with multiple accounts at Columbia House). So now what?

With the holiday season upon us (the tree will be bought in 72 hours!), I'll turn to a 1999 tune that I probably would have added to my cassettes had it been an option back then -- sung by someone who has occasionally modified her first name to start with an X. (And, it's a tune that I once sang when I was a young-un on a cassette tape with my voice cracking at the high notes -- something I can still remember getting teased about so so many years later ...)

Speaking of holidays -- I abbreviate Christmas as Cmas instead of Xmas ... but I also say Happy Holidays all month long without any pangs of guilt ... To that point, and because I found this recent post of a Facebook connection of mine (credit assigned to Timothy Frantz as the author) to be pithy as it relates to the Christmas/Holidays viral debate ... I wanted to reproduce the majority of it here:

"I see a lot of this Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays stuff [...].

Jesus does not care if you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays. And neither should any of you. Christ is simply not that petty.

What's more important is that you remember that we live in a country with 4 million homeless, 47 million without health insurance and [millions of] Americans who suffer with HIV/AIDS and that 22% of all American children live in poverty [...]

You can say "Merry Christmas" all day long, but what matters is not the word Christmas. It's your actions and words that show what you stand for. Commit yourself to serving others and making a difference in the lives of those who may not be as fortunate as you. I think that is what Christ wants for all of us. That should be the Christmas/Holiday spirit.

Please don't be a petty paper Christian who gets offended when someone says 'Happy Holidays'. Say thank you -- and then serve others in the name of Christ and do good work."

X is indirectly for (with a bit of a stretch) XTINA (AGUILERA):

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