November 26, 2011

Random Soapbox for Saturday 11/26/11

I don't mean to go off on a rave here, but ...

... it is that time of month (because once a month, I'm committed to turning my weekly rant inside out to go on and on about something positive instead) in a month where I've been bombarded with what so many of my Facebook friends and acquaintances and others of a more tenuous connection have been thankful for. So ... the official holiday may have ended a few dozen hours ago, but here's my 2011 list of 10 items for which I'm thankful:

1.) An active dream life. I feel sorry for those who can't remember their dreams -- as I enjoy mine (even the unexplainable ones or the ones that tend toward the Tarantino in scope and scale). Often, I run into those I've lost in my life (even pets -- my pit bull Demon makes regular guest appearances), including my father's father last week, who showed up out of nowhere asking for help in understanding why all of the coins looked so different (pennies and nickels and quarters of designs not around when he was alive). Anyone want to analyze that one?

2.) My health. I'll be just about 40 years in 40 days, so there's always room for improvement. But if a windedness from climbing stairs, eyes ready for the lasik-ing, and persistent heartburn controlled by nightly generic meds cover my biggest maladies, then I'm not doing so bad after all. Anyone want to House that one and tell me otherwise?

3.) This creative outlet. I'm not naive to think that most of what I put on the blog and force down the throats of others on Facebook is ever read by anyone but me. But it gives me something to do, and keeps my mind in a good place, so even if I alone enjoy it, it's done for the right reason. (And if you're along for the ride, I'm thankful for that too!)

4.) Facebook connectedness. I so enjoyed Herman Wouk's Winds of War and its sequel because I felt like I was keeping tabs on multiple characters in all levels of situations over the course of time. Facebook is like that for me -- even better now that it's on my smart phone and I can actually systemically filter through the lives of others. I kind of like learning about others' public selves.

5.) Real-life connectedness. Not that Facebook is the be-all and end-all of all interactions, though. It's still the time spent with family (as broadly defined as I do), with friends out in Chicago, with strangers met during my travels ... and all that happens in my life that I choose to keep private and off of Facebook. After all, that for which I'm most thankful won't even make this list [(c)1998-present].

6.) Chapters of my life. Going through my life from twenty years ago each Friday as I post a Friday flashback, I'm constantly reminded that I've lived "in the moment" all of my life. That sometimes translates to enjoying those that are part of my life for the short time that they are there, or travelling on paths that were unexpected and decidedly more challenging than I could have imagined, but each chapter is enjoyed as it starts and ends.

7.) My quests. There's always something around the corner. Getting to put my feet into each and every Great Lake. Visiting each HardRockCafe that I can. Touring the US, one big city at a time (alphabetically). Viewing every modern day Presidential Library. Always more to do ... another opportunity to create ... always living in forward motion ...

8.) Work I enjoy. I was a professional student for more years than I've been a career person -- but I'll hit my eighth year with my current company (recession willing) this March, and I couldn't be happier with the "fit" that it is for me.

9.) My life as it is. All in all, and as much as it pains me to quote a Gosselin (I'll assume that someone wrote the tag line for them), "It's a crazy life ... but it's [my] life." I'm not one for regrets and I am thankful to be right where I am today.

10.) TV. I am addicted. I already know this. And my addiction has now been enabled by the DVR. And by being able to find some shows that I can watch online. But there could be worse addictions, and I do so try to balance the drivel with some quality documentaries. All in all, it's a relatively harmless hobby to have to overtake your life, right?

Speaking of TV, here's three things I learned from the last episode of Amazing Race (yep, my Amazing Race Aside for the week ...)

1.) "To travel is to live", to be read with great feeling and drama.
2.) 50 million Lego pieces are used to make Legoland (I'm not sure if that includes the thousands that I'm sure little kids might eat "by accident").
3.) The pictorial symbol for "barf bag" is indeed universal.




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