October 29, 2011

Random Soapbox for Saturday 10/29/11

I don't mean to go off on a rant here, but ...

... my heart and soul and brain hurt a little from reading up on the goings-on (or is that going-ons) in my erstwhile hometown of Harrisburg PA.

[It's true that the length of time I domiciled in Dauphin County is now practically a quarter of the residence I've had here in Chicago and but a seventh of my earlier sojourn all over Leb'non County, but it's twice the time I spent in Uniontown -- and hey, as far as I'm concerned, wherever I laid my hat was home (except I mostly stopped wearing hats as I got older and the admonition that "you'll go bald if you were that baseball/painter's cap all the time" kind of came true). Anyway, for the weeks and months between late '98 and fall '01, the H-B-G (what-what!) was what I would have tried to work into any ill attempt at a hip hop rhyme (pun fully intended) if someone had forced me to demo my skillz for some unforeseen and highly unlikely reason.]

I'm slowly raising my smart phone IQ, which means I now can read news updates from Reuters on it -- and there between the concerns over the EuroZone crisis and what will become of Qu/G/Kh-addafi's son and some corporate crisis involving Japan's Olympus, was a full length feature on the budget brou-ha-ha in PA's state capitol.

It sounds like it could be a whole season of a night time soap -- with incinerator intrigue, Wild West relic obsessions, mayors who get their marching orders directly from Jesus, snowball throwing protesters (predating the Occupy [insert city here] movement and today's surprise snow storm), government officials who just can't get along and all manners of good-government-gone-bad mayhem -- with racial overtones and undercurrents at every turn.

[Upon retrospection, maybe it was a sign of things to come when I successfully survived two different attempted muggings in the months I lived there -- one in the shadow of the state capitol and the other in the alley next to the governor's mansion.]

As I understand it, it is time to sell off a parking garage or two before the governor himself steps in. With every day just one more day in the omnipresent election cycle that is modern politics, someone needs to step in and demonstrate a little leadership. It's embarrassing -- and Welshie John Harris Sr is undoubtedly turning over in his grave. In the immortal words of one of my favorite Keenan Thompson SNL characters ... FIX IT!


I WONDER ... WWJHD? (what would John Harris do?):


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